Eurasia News

Montenegro’s Foreign Minister To Quit Post

Milan Rocen has confirmed that he is bowing out, following the country’s recent achievements in advancing its EU and NATO membership prospects.One day after he announcing his intended withdrawal to the daily newspaper, Pobjeda, Rocen officially confirmed his decision on Monday at the opening of the fifth diplomatic “Gavro Vukovic” …

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Croatia: Twenty Eight War Victims Exhumed

Twenty eight victims of Operation Flash, a Croatian military campaign conducted in May 1995, were exhumed last week in western Slavonia, Croatia.According to the Croatian government’s Administration for Imprisoned and Missing Persons, the remains were exhumed between June 26 and 29 in the village of Donji Rajic in western Slavonia. …

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Kosovo Given Green Light for Full Independence

Kosovo will become fully independent in September, the International Steering Group, ISG, which oversees the newborn country, announced on Monday.The group of 25 states, which have been overseeing Kosovo since it declared independence from Serbia in 2008, said that the country had successfully implemented the provisions of the UN Comprehensive …

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Marty Might Not Testify in the Medicus Case

Dick Marty, Council of Europe rapporteur, might not testify in the Medicus case, since the Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE has not lifted his immunity.According to the reports from the Serbian state news agency Tanjug, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has unanimously declined to discuss lifting of …

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Serbia’s New Leaders Agree on Cabinet of 15

Leaders of the Progressives and the Socialists have agreed that new government will have 15 ministries and said its final composition and agenda would be made clear within a fortnight.Ivica Dacic, Serbia’s Socialist Prime Minister elect and Aleksandar Vucic, leader of the Serbian Progressive Party, have agreed that the future …

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Montenegro Starts EU Talks With Stamps and Cocktails

The EU opened accession negotiations with Montenegron on Friday – the start of which are being marked in the country with the issue of commemorative stamps and a celebratory cocktail party.At its summit on Friday, the European Council confirmed Tuesday’s decision of the EU General Affairs Council to open membership …

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Macedonian Ex-Premiers Unite to Topple Gruevski

Ljubco Georgievski and Branko Crvenkovski, whose bitter political rivalry dominated the 1990s, agreed on Thursday to cooperate in unseating the VMRO-DPMNE-led government of Nikola Gruevski.Two former prime ministers, from opposing ends of the political spectrum, after a meeting on Thursday in Skopje said they were ready to put aside old …

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Karadzic’s Request for Acquittal Rejected

The Hague Tribunal has rejected Radovan Karadzic’s request to be freed of all charges contained in the indictment, save for one count.The judges of the Hague Tribunal, ICTY, say that the prosecution has presented enough evidence to find Karadzic, former Bosnian Serb leader, guilty of ten out of total 11 …

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