Eurasia News

Kofi Annan visits Turkey to see Syrian refugees

International envoy Kofi Annan arrived in Turkey on Tuesday to visit refugees along Turkey’s border with Syria. He is expected to visit camps along the border where shootings from the Syrian side wounded six on Turkish soil Monday.

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Dodik says: “Bosnia was never state, Serbs were also victims”

Milorad Dodik, the president of the Serb Republic (RS), said on Monday that the recent commemoration of the war in Sarajevo was another attempt to assign guilt only to Serbs. He said he does not oppose the remembrance of victims of the war, Muslim and Serb, but he thinks that …

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Moldova closes pro-communist TV station for biased reporting

Moldova has decided to withdraw the licence of a pro-communist TV station for biased reporting, it was announced on Friday. The station has often criticised the ruling coalition, which is pro-Western and came to power in 2009 after winning the elections against the Communists. NIT said it wants to appeal …

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Japan is interested to improve economic activity in Bulgaria

Japan’s PM Yoshikiko Noda told Bulgarian Parliamentary Speaker Tsetska Tsacheva that his country wishes to improve business activity in Bulgaria if the business climate gets better. Tsetska Tsacheva stressed that Bulgaria will make efforts to improve bilateral relations in fields such as business and tourism. Noda said further that a …

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Macedonia ruling party submits new lustration law

Macedonia’s ruling coalition submitted a draft of the new Lustration law on Tuesday to the parliament which aims to dismiss ex-police informants from public offices. This comes after the Constitutional Court scrapped in late March the twelve controversial provisions of the existing law, which narrowed its scope.

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Serbian IM says the only solution for Kosovo is territory demarcation

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Ivica Dačić stated on Monday that “the only realistic solution” for Kosovo was “demarcation of the territory”. Dačić, who heads the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) and is running in the presidential election, added that “no one except from him” talked about essential …

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Moldova, Transdnestr to Restore rail traffic

The leaders of Moldova and its breakaway republic of Transdnestr on Friday agreed to restore rail traffic. The deal was signed by Transdnestr President Yevgeny Shevchuk and Moldovan Prime Minister Vlad Filat.

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