Eurasia News

Serbian Interior Minister says the EU has double standards in Kosovo

Serbia’s Interior Minister Ivica Dačić has said that the latest couple of incidents in Kosovo show a lack of will in Priština to solve the problem peacefully. “The latest incidents in Kosovo are an indicator how they see Serbs from Kosovo. That’s savageness and if the EU believes that this …

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Hashim Thaci wants five EU countries to recognize Kosovo

Hashim Thaci says it is very important that five EU member states which have not recognized Kosovo to change their stand as soon as possible. Taking part in a meeting organized by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington on Thursday, Thaci said that Brussels should do more to …

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Georgia kills Open Skies Treaty with Russia

Georgia announced that it is breaking its obligations to Russia under the 1992 Open Skies Treaty, saying Moscow attempted to use the accord to “legitimize” its breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. “Georgia made a decision to cease fulfilling

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Skopje: President to meet delegation of US congress

Macedonia remains constructive in the name issue solution, said Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov at the meeting with a delegation of the US Congress, which is on a visit to Macedonia. “The congressmen got acquainted with the ruling of the Hague-based International Court of Justice, which is a confirmation of the …

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Bulgaria and Israel agree on partnership in military trainings

The Bulgarian Parliament ratified on Friday a deal on partnership in military trainings between the Defense Ministries of Bulgaria and Israel. “The agreement is needed in order to strictly regulate the joint military trainings on the territory of the respective country,” Bulgarian Defense Minister Anyu Angelov said. According to him, …

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Hillary Clinton met Hashim Thaci

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Hashim Thaci, meeting that was held in Washington. Clinton has expressed support to Kosovo government’s efforts on country’s way to the Euro-Atlantic integration and called Belgrade and Pristina to continue the bilateral dialogue. “I welcome the EU’s decision to start examining country’s …

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Skopje to become a NATO member after solving the name dispute

Skopje will become a NATO member state right after it solves the name issue with Greece, said Dutch Ambassador to Skopje Marriet Schurman. “Macedonia does not need a NATO summit to become a member. The country has an open invitation and it will come into force when the dispute is …

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