Eurasia News

Bulgarian PM and government delegation arrives in Turkey

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and the Bulgarian government delegation he heads arrived in Ankara. PM Borisov was welcomed by Bulgarian Ambassador to Ankara, Turkish Minister of Culture and Tourism and Mayor of Ankara. After arrival, the Bulgarian prime minister and his delegation will visit the grave of Mustafa Kemal …

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Kosovo Serbs will file a petition to hold elections in Kosovo

On Wednesday in Zvecani, local elections will be discussed during the sitting of the four Serbian municipalities in North Kosovo. On Friday the four municipalities are expected to file a petition with 49,000 signatories to Serbian President Boris Tadic asking Belgrade to organise elections in Kosovo. The parliamentary committee on …

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Seselj to continue his closing argument today

Vojislav Seselj will today continue his closing argument before the Hague Tribunal, where he is on trial for war crimes in Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia. Seselj’s closing argument was pushed last week from Monday and Tuesday to Wednesday and Thursday, after he underwent a second surgery when the defibrillator he …

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Georgian-US exercises are not directed against anyone

The Georgian-U.S exercises being held on the Vaziani military base are not aimed against anyone, Georgian Deputy Defence Minister Nodar Kharshiladze said. This announcement was made after a statement made by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who called the exercises in Vaziani a “‘provocation”. Kharshiladze said that “it is our …

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Greece to approve new bailout deal

Greece’s Parliament is set to approve the country’s new international bailout agreement late Tuesday. The  $226 billion rescue package has already been approved at committee level. It is expected to pass with the support of the majority Socialists and conservative New Democracy, coalition partners in the government headed by Lucas …

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Bulgaria, Turkey to hold first ever common meeting of cabinets

The governments of Bulgaria and Turkey are going to hold their first ever joint sitting on Tuesday, March 20, 2012. Turkey will be the fourth country, with which Bulgaria will have a joint Cabinet sitting, after similar sittings with the Cabinets of Greece in 2010, and Israel and Romania in …

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Greek Finance Minister resigns to take over PASOK

Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos he is resigning to lead the PASOK to general elections. “We have elections ahead and I had this morning the opportunity in a farewell meeting at the finance ministry to give my last instructions,” Venizelos said after he met with Greek President Karolos Papoulias. The …

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