Eurasia News

EP president Schulz will address Greek parliament

EP president Martin Schulz will express the European Parliament’s solidarity with the Greek people when he addresses the national parliament this evening. Today he is on his first official visit to Athens, where he will meet the country’s political leaders. Mr Schulz will be meeting president Karolos Papoulias, prime minister …

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Greek parliament to vote on austerity measures

Greek lawmakers are to vote on a package of tough salary and pension cuts Tuesday as part of measures needed to secure the payout of the debt-ridden country’s second international package of bailout loans. Greek Cabinet ministers were also

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Skopje to open files of secret security agents

The adoption of the EU resolution on Macedonia’s progress for 2011 will open the dossiers of the secret services, since the report of MEP Richard Howitt envisages continuation of the lustration process with the possibility of public declassification of the archives. The report calls for the authorities to announce the …

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EU will monitor pre-election in Georgia

The EU acknowledges the European choice of Georgia. It welcomes the efforts to conduct reforms and underlines the great importance of fair parliamentary and presidential elections. It declares that it will closely monitor the events in the country during the pre-election period, the EU

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