Eurasia News

New Greek PM will meet EU leaders

Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos will meet with European Commission officials in Brussels next week, during his first trip since taking office as head of a unity government, his office said Tuesday.

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Kosovo Serbs seek Russian citizenship

Thousands of Kosovo Serbs want to take out Russian passports in order to guaranteer their security in the Albanian-dominated country, a Kosovo Serb group has told the Russian embassy in Serbia. The Russian embassy in Belgrade has forwarded to Moscow a request from

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Leader of Greek New Democracy party says he won’t support the current austerity measures

The leader of the Greek party New Democracy Antonis Samaras has said he will not support the current austerity measures. According to him Greece’s international creditors should change the conditions for giving the country financial assistance. Samaras said he did not plan to sign any documents which might confirm his …

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Turkey opens culture center in Constanta (Romania)

Turkey’s Culture and Tourism Minister Ertuğrul Günay on Monday inaugurated a culture center in Constanta, Romania. “The Yunus Emre Culture Center in Constanta is the 17th of such centers the Yunus Emre Institute has opened in the world, and I believe that number will go up as high as 25 …

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Greece won’t change it’s stance on Macedonia name issue

It is highly expected that Greece’s new government will not change the country’s red lines about the name issue. According to experts of the new cabinet, which will govern the country most probably by February when early elections will be called, will not have time to solve key issues and …

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EU and NATO don’t recognise South Ossetia vote

The European Union and NATO condemned on Monday presidential elections held in South Ossetia, stressing that they do not recognize the region’s self-declared, and Russian-backed, independence from Georgia. ‘The European Union does not recognise the constitutional and legal framework within which these elections have taken place,’ Michael Mann, spokesman for …

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