Eurasia News

Serge Brammertz visits Belgrade

Serge Brammertz is starting his two-day visit to Belgrade on Tuesday, as part of his regular activities ahead of presenting his report to UN Security Council. During the visit, the chief Hague prosecutor will confer with Serbian President Boris Tadić, President of the National Council for Cooperation

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Bulgaria supports Moldova’s EU path

Bulgaria supports Moldova’s “EU perspective”, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov has told his Moldavian counterpart Iurie Leanca. The two met Monday in Bucharest (Romania) during a forum of the Foreign Ministers of the countries from the Danube region.

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Greek crisis delayed resolving the name dispute with neighbouring Macedonia

The Greek crisis means it is unmotivated to hold talks aimed at resolving the name dispute, according to Macedonian foreign minister Nikola Poposki. Though he acknowledged the urgency of the situation, Poposki said that the dispute will not be solved by applying the Croatia-Slovenia model – international arbitration by the …

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UN report on Kosovo says the security has worsened in July

The operation of the special Kosovan forces in North Kosovo in July has worsened security, reads a report of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. According to Ban Ki-moon the number of incidents against Serbian community has increased. The report says also that special police units in Kosovo tried to …

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Georgian Development Minister visits Armenia

Georgian Economic Development Minister Vera Kobalia is visiting Armenia on the invitation of Transport and Communication Minister Manuk Vardanyan. With a brief conversation held November 7, the two officials will chair an expanded meeting on the next day, to focus on the issues of bilateral interest, Transport Ministry’s press service …

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Serbs in north stop several KFOR vehicles

Serbs in northern Kosovo early on Monday stopped and turned back several KFOR vehicles on the road leading to the Jarinje administrative checkpoint. Their local representatives said the passage of NATO troops was “not harmonized with heads of local self-governments in northern Kosovo”.

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Georgia-Russia WTO agreement to be signed on Nov. 10

A text of an agreement on the Georgian-Russian WTO negotiations has been already initialed by the parties and the document will be signed on Nov.10, Georgian Deputy Foreign Minister Nino Kalandadze said at a traditional briefing on Monday. “It is important that this agreement has been reached and the process …

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