Eurasia News

Six balkan countries met in Kosovo to boost security cooperation

Six Balkan defence ministers, minus Serbia’s, meeting in Kosovo, have pledged to work closer together on tackling regional stability. Defence Ministers from Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo meeting in Peja, Kosovo, agreed on Friday to boost cooperation on regional security issues.

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Georgian FM to visit Armenia

Georgia’s FM Grigol Vashadze will arrive in Armenia, on November 7, for a working visit. Vashadze will be received by President Serzh Sargsyan. Grigol Vashadze will also meet with Armenian FM Edward Nalbandian.

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EC to make a plan in case Greece leaves the euro area

The European Commission (EC) has ordered an action plan to be worked out in case Greece leaves the euro area. The issue has been discussed during the G20 summit in Cannes in the frames of informal consultations. “The situation in the euro area has drastically changed after the decision to …

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Greek government to face confidence vote

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou’s government will face a vote of confidence in parliament on Friday evening. The prime minister has called for a “consensus government” to pull the debt-wracked country out of the crisis and implement the terms of a controversial EU bailout plan. Ahead of the crucial vote …

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Russia agrees WTO terms

Moscow is ready to accept the compromise on WTO accession proposed by Switzerland, which is mediating talks between Russia and Georgia, the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday, November 3, RIA Novosti reported. Russia has endeavored to join the WTO since 1993 and needs

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