Eurasia News

Rosen Plevneliev is the new Bulgarian President

Rosen Plevneliev of the ruling conservative party in Bulgaria has won the presidential run-off with 54.8 per cent of votes. Ruling party , GERB candidate Rossen Plevneliev, has won Bulgaria’s 2011 elections, getting 54.8 per cent of votes in

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UN says that tirst day of Cypriot talks were positive

The Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders have held “positive, productive and vigorous” discussions during the first of two days of talks between the leaders and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, a senior United Nations envoy said tonight. Speaking at Manhasset, outside New York, where the talks began this morning, the Secretary-General’s …

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Macedonian President to visit Croatia

Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov on Monday is to pay a visit to Croatia. During the visit Ivanov will meet with Croatian counterpart Ivo Josipović, whom he will sign an agreement for extradition. The Macedonian president will also meet with Parliament Chairperson Luka Bebic, Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor. However, it is …

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KFOR Commander wants more freedom of movement in North Kosovo

Promises given by leaders in northern Kosovo need to be translated into reality, head of NATO peacekeeping force says. KFOR Commander Erhard Drews said that he is not satisfied with the level of freedom of movement provided to international peacekeeping forces in northern, Serb-run parts of Kosovo. 

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PACE rapporteur will visit Kosovo

Björn von Sydow (Sweden, SOC), Chairman of the Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and rapporteur on the situation in Kosovo*, will make a field visit on 2-4 November 2011 to evaluate the political situation, a press release of the Council of Europe …

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