Eurasia News

EU will reduce military mission in Bosnia

The European Union’s military mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina is to be drastically reduced in size, the bloc’s foreign ministers agreed on Monday. The EU’s Althea mission currently has about 1,300 troops at its disposal – 30 per cent less than what is foreseen in its operational mandate – diplomats …

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Croatia and Montenegro pledge to keep and improve the good relation

Croatian and Montenegrin presidents Ivo Josipovic and Filip Vujanovic have said that bilateral relations between the two countries are very good and could serve as a model to other countries in the region. The pair were speaking after an hour-long meeting in Zagreb on Monday.

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NATO leaders say the US shield will help protect Balkans and the United States

Political and military leaders from NATO have praised a new US defence system installed in Europe saying it will help protect the Balkans as well the US. “The anti-missile shield installed by the United States in Europe is efficient, as recent tests show, and a good investment,” Anders Fogh Rasmussen, …

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Belgrade to continue talks with Pristina in 2012

The dialog between Belgrade and Pristina will not continue most probably. The actual negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia will resume in the spring of 2012. The EU mediator Robert Cooper did not manage to persuade Serbia’s chief negotiator Borislav Stefanovic into continuing the talks about telecommunication, energy and regional cooperation.

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Romania will keep KFOR troops

Romania will continue to participate in the NATO Kosovo Force (KFOR), Romanian President Traian Basescu said Monday during the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Bucharest. Basescu said Romania is maintaining its stance and does not recognize Kosovo’s unilaterally declared independence until Belgrade and Pristina reach an agreement.

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Skopje expects EC report to be of principle

Macedonia expects a real report from the European Commission (EC), said Macedonian Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska. In minister’s words, the report will be a guide of the reforms, which need to be done during the next time period. “This year again I expect a report of principle, which will give …

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Preşedintele României, Traian Băsescu, cere retragerea trupelor ruse din Transnistria

Traian Băsescu a reiterat luni, la Adunarea Parlamentară a NATO, poziţia României privind retragerea trupelor ruse din Transnistria. De asemenea, a încurajat Republica Moldova să se apropie şi mai mult de NATO. “Reiteram, în acest context, susţinerea noastră pentru integritatea teritorială a Republicii Moldova şi

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EU facilitator Robert Cooper visits Pristina

EU facilitator in the Belgrade-Priština dialogue Robert Cooper will meet with the representatives of the Kosovo Albanian institutions in Priština on Monday. Head of the Kosovo Albanian delegation in the dialogue with Belgrade Edita Tahiri confirmed she will meet with Cooper, who

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Moldova, Ukraine to speed up demarcation of their joint border

Ukraine and Moldova have agreed to intensify work on the demarcation of their joint border, Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleksandr Dykusarov was quoted as saying by the press on 4 October. He noted that on 26-27 September, Acting Moldovan President and Parliament Speaker Marian Lupu made an official visit to …

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