Eurasia News

Catherine Ashton welcomes Moldova-Transnistria talks

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton has welcomed the meeting of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova Vlad Filat and the Transnistrian leader Igor Smirnov. The meeting took place on 9 September in the German town of Bad Reichenhall and

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British Ambassador to Macedonia says leadership is needed to solve the name issue with Greece

British position on the name row between Macedonia and Greece stays firm – we want the issue to be solved as soon as possible, said British Ambassador to Skopje Christopher Yvon. According to him, the solution should be mutually acceptable and should be found within the UN. “There is a …

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Hague chief prosecutor Serge Brammertz visits Serbia

The Hague Tribunal’s chief prosecutor Serge Brammertz will visit Belgrade on Monday, his first visit after the arrest of suspected war criminals Ratko Mladic and Goran Hadzic. During his visit to Belgrade, Brammertz will meet with President Boris Tadic, Head of National Council for Cooperation with The Hague Tribunal Rasim …

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Serbs in north Kosovo warn to block border crossings if Kosovo takes control

As three-way negotiations continue on control of nothern checkpoints, local Serbs threaten to block roads if Kosovo’s government obtains control of two border crossings. Leaders of the Serb National Council said international criticism would not dissuade them from taking direct action if the Albanian-led Kosovo government

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Serbia-EU forum kicks-off in Belgrade

Serbian President Boris Tadić says that Serbia has done everything on its EU pathway to start the negotiations, adding that it does not expect any privileges. The Forum will bring together over 400 ministers, intellectuals, representatives of the non-government sectors and reporters from the EU and the region

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