Eurasia News

EU wants to help in the Karabakh settlement process

The South Caucasus plays a role of a bridge and has a great potential of cultural and economic development, especially is peace is finally established in the region,” European Union Special Representative (EUSR) for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia, Ambassador Philippe Lefort said at a joint press …

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EU urges Kosovo to continue dialogue with Serbia

The president of the European Council, Herman Van Rompey has encouraged Kosovo’s President Atifete Jahjaga to continue in its dialogue with Serbia. Van Rompey said on Tuesday that dialogue needed to continue between the two countries to help make progress on remaining issues.

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Fule hopes Greece will solve name dispute with Macedonia by the end of this year

European Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule said he is optimistic that the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece will be solved by the end of the year. Fule was on a visit to Macedonia. The European Commission encouraged the two countries to take actions and solve the problem as soon as …

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Germany supports Macedonia, Western Balkans EU perspective

“Macedonia can count on Germany when it comes to the European perspective. It is of mutual interest,” said German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle after meeting with Macedonian counterpart Nikola Poposki in Berlin on Monday. “Germany is aware that all countries in the West Balkans have European perspective,” Westerwelle remarked.

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EU to continue talks with Georgia about free trade zone creation

EU Foreign Ministers decided to support the initiative to start talks with Georgia and Moldova on creation of a free trade zone. The free trade zone envisages agreements between the sides on creating a universal zone. The previous meeting on enhanced free trade between Georgia and EU took place on …

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Albanians from south of Serbia demand talks with Belgrade

An assembly of Albanians from Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja has adopted a declaration calling for dialogue with Serbia and Brussels, and pledging to boycott the forthcoming census. The assembly of ethnic Albanian leaders from the ethnically mixed border region sent their request for talks to Belgrade and the European Union, …

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Bosnia parties failed to achieve compromise on new government

A fresh round of talks to decide on the formation of a new government in Bosnia and Herzegovina has failed to achieve consensus, eleven months after the country’s population voted. Leaders from Bosnia’s six largest political parties gathered in the city of Mostar yesterday to try to find a compromise …

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