Eurasia News

KFOR commander says the situation in northern Kosovo is stable

The situation in north Kosovo is calming down and the agreement on the north should soon be fully prepared, KFOR Commander Erhard Buhler said on Wednesday. After a meeting with UNMIK Regional Representative Anil Vasisht, Buhler said that a number of points of the agreement for the north had already …

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Montenegrin PM to negotiate EU requirements with opposition

Montenegrin Prime Minister Igor Luksic will speak to opposition parties about election reform, following seven failed attempts to pass a law over the past months. “In the coming days I will initiate political consultations with representatives of the opposition on the topic of European integration in an attempt to reach …

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Serbians started removing barricades in North Kosovo

Serbians started removing barricades in North Kosovo. Trucks and heavy mechanization was removed last night from the road to Yarine border checkpoint. Mayor of Leposavic Municipality Brznko Ninic stated that removal of barricades is part of the agreement reached between Serbia and KFOR.

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Turkish PM to visit Bulgaria in September

Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is to visit Bulgaria in September 2011. Erdogan will hold talks with Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Boiko Borissov, President Georgi Purvanov and other top officials, the reports said. On the agenda will be bilateral relations and the Nabucco energy project.

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Russia urges NATO to prevent violence in Kosovo

The Russian Foreign Ministry has called on the EU, NATO and the UN to prevent Priština from taking control over parts where Serbs are the majority by force. “Unfortunately, it is very likely that despite the agreement on refraining from military from August 5, Priština might

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Macedonia to mark Ohrid Peace Anniversary

Macedonian politicians and dignitaries are expected to attend the ten year anniversary of the 2001 Ohrid Peace Accord on Saturday. The deal, which was signed on 13 August 2001, in the lake resort of Ohrid in southwestern Macedonia, ended almost a year of armed

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U.S. urges Russia to back off Georgia

Washington calls on Moscow to pull troops out of parts of Georgia and honor a 2008 cease-fire that ended conflict there, the US State Department said. Moscow and Tbilisi traded insults Monday, the third anniversary of a Russian military response to Georgia’s invasion of the separatist republic of South Ossetia …

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Macedonia compromise with Greece is possible, says Teuta Arifi

Currently major priority of the new deputy prime minister in charge of European integration, Teuta Arifi is completing the tasks of the EU Commission annual report about Macedonia. Teuta Arifi said: “It is early to say whether positive or negative, but we are going to receive good and correct report”. …

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