Eurasia News

EU to decide on visa liberalisation for Balkans in June

EU Representative to Macedonia Peter Sorensen said on Wednesday (May 18th) that the European Commission’s assessment of implementing the visa-liberalisation regime in the region will become clear in June. He was commenting on speculation that the visa-free regime could be suspended because of the influx of asylum applicants, mainly from …

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1992-1995 Bosnian war crimes suspect arrested

Bosnian Members of the State Information and Protection Agency (SIPA) arrested a reserve police officer Wednesday (May 18th), suspected of war crimes committed during the 1992-1995 Bosnian conflict. Miralem Macic, 42, allegedly killed two Serb civilians in 1992 in the Konjic municipality village of Bradina. Macic was detained only a …

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Ivica Dacic reiterates idea of Kosovo partition

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Ivica Dacic reiterated on Wednesday (May 18th) that a division of Kosovo could be one possible solution to the status issue, stressing this is his personal view, one he had not discussed with Serbian President Boris Tadic.

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No agreement yet between Pristina and Belgrade

The fourth round of talks between Pristina and Belgrade ended in Brussels yesterday with both delegations describing the two-day meeting as productive, regarding the freedom of movement, free trade, telecommunications and energy. No results, however, were presented and no agreement was struck. Kosovo representative Edita Tahiri said that missing persons …

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Negative report on Serbia-Hague cooperation

Chief UN war crimes prosecutor Serge Brammertz says that Serbia’s efforts to arrest war crimes indictee Ratko Mladic are insufficient. The report Brammertz submitted to the UN Security Council on Belgrade’s cooperation with the UN war crimes tribunal, writes that Serbia’s existing strategy for the arrest of the two remaining …

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EC President Jose Manuel Barroso backs Turkey’s EU accession

European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso has dismissed claims that Turkey would be a burden for the European Union at a time when the 27-nation bloc’s membership talks with the candidate country are in standstill. Barroso said, in contrast, Turkey would bring in a significant added value to the bloc …

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