Eurasia News

5+2 meeting focuses on resumption of official negotiations on the Transdniestrian settlement

Resumption of the official negotiations in the Transdniestrian settlement process was the focus of a 4-5 April informal meeting of the participants in the 5+2 Transdniestrian settlement process chaired by the Special Representative of the Lithuanian Chairman-in-Office of OSCE for protracted conflicts, Ambassador Giedrius Čekuolis.

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European Parliament to discuss Macedonia’s progress towards EU membership

The European Parliament on Wednesday and Thursday will discuss and vote on a draft resolution on Macedonia’s progress towards EU membership. In the draft resolution that is likely to be adopted by the Foreign Affairs Committee on Thursday, the Parliament once again recommends the start

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Bulgaria’s ambassador to the EU Boyko Kotsev: the country met all technical requirements to join Schengen

The country met all technical requirements to join the Schengen Area, Bulgaria’s ambassador to the EU Boyko Kotsev told Bulgarian National Radio on Monday (April 4th). In late February, the Hungarian EU presidency

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UN Secretary-General proposes a meeting on Cypriot issue in mid-June

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had separate telephone conversations with Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders, proposing a meeting in mid-June to discuss developments in the ongoing reunification talks, the UN announced on Monday (April 4th). In the calls Sunday, Ban urged Cypriot President Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu …

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