Eurasia News

Greece ratified SAA with Serbia

The Greek parliament has ratified Serbia’s Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU, the Greek Embassy in Belgrade announced on Monday (January 31st). Greece is the 12th EU country to ratify the agreement. Germany is expected to ratify it in February and France by the end of April.

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UNMIK ready to support Kosovo organ trafficking

UNMIK is ready to fully support a probe into the Kosovo organ trafficking, the latest report of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says. It also expresses the expectation that progress will soon be made towards opening the Belgrade-Priština dialogue which has not yet begun due to the toppling of the …

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NATO praises Georgia’s participation in Alliance operations

Georgian Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Rusudan Kervalishvili met with the NATO International Military Staff Lieutenant-General Jürgen Bornemann. The two sides stressed the importance of Georgia’s participation in the NATO peacekeeping mission, Kervalishvili said after the meeting.

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Albanian opposition leader calls for new protests

Albanian opposition leader Edi Rama on Tuesday called for fresh anti-government protests in the capital Tirana on Friday for the third week in succession. Rama said the marches in the Tirana and at least four other cities were to demonstrate “peaceful resistance” to the government. Rama on Tuesday reiterated a …

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