Eurasia News

(EP) rapporteur for Kosovo Lunacek says Kosovo should think of 2011 elections

European Parliament (EP) rapporteur for Kosovo Ulrike Lunacek has recommended that calls coming from some political entities to organise new general elections this year should be taken seriously. Lunacek suggested officials should review the process for irregularities and implement necessary

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Azerbaijan: Arrest of Islamic Party Leader Puts Religion in the Political Spotlight

The recent arrest of the leader of the outlawed Islamic Party of Azerbaijan is raising questions about the future role of Islam in Azerbaijani politics. Analysts in Baku differ on how much influence the Islamic Party has, but many share the belief that Islam could form the basis for a …

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Hungary’s ambassador to Macedonia: Hungary is ready to help in name negotiations

EU enlargement is among the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the Union and Budapest is ready to actively join the Greek-Macedonian name negotiations, if it is asked for that, said Hungary’s ambassador to Skopje Ferenc Kekesi. “Hungary is ready to help in the name negotiations and actively join them, …

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Moldova: Parliament is 80% functional

Marian Lupu said the delegation of representatives of all the parliamentary groups to work on the Standing Bureau made the legislature 80% functional. “Today and tomorrow, all the parliamentary groups must convene and decide who will work on the commissions. Thus, on Friday we will be able examine the government …

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Swiss Media Lashes Targets Kosovo PM, Saying Thaci’s Rise in KLA Was Plotted on Swiss Soil

Following Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci’s brazen comments last week comparing a Council of Europe report connecting him to organized crime to ‘Nazi propaganda’ and its author, Swiss Senator Dick Marty, to Joseph Goebbels, the Swiss media is hitting back. On 8 January, the Geneva-based daily Le Temps reported that …

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