Eurasia News

Hashim Thaci: Marty’s Report is an attack against the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia

Hashim Thaci said on Friday (December 31st) that a recent Council of Europe report accusing him of involvement in illegal human organ trafficking activities may hamper future talks with Belgrade. Thaci said that Marty’s Report is an attack against the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. At the same time, he …

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Croatia lifts travel visas for Albanians

Croatia abolished visas Saturday (January 1st) for Albanian citizens travelling to its territory. Before this, only summer travel was visa-free. From now on, Albanians will be able to spend up to 90 days in Croatia without a visa. The foreign ministry in Tirana welcomed the move, saying it would boost …

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UN tribunal for the former Yugoslavia should conclude work by the end of 2014

The UN Security Council decided that the UN tribunal for the former Yugoslavia should conclude work by the end of 2014. Cases still open after that timeframe should be transferred to an International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, according to a resolution adopted by 14 votes, with Russia abstaining. The …

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4 Bosnian Serbs sentenced for war crimes

The Court of BiH sentenced four former Bosnian Serb policemen to a total of 86 years in prison Tuesday (December 21st) for crimes against humanity committed during the 1992-1995 conflict. They were found guilty of involvement in the killing of more than 150 non-Serb civilians in 1992. According to the …

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New strikes paralyze Athens

New strikes paralyze Athens. Workers in the public transport started 24-hour strikes today, while the government is preparing for final voting of the anti-crisis budget. Employees in the public sector will today cease work for about three hours and will gather for a protest outside the Parliament, until MPs discuss …

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