Eurasia News

Georgia wants Ukraine to jointly bid for EU membership

Georgia wants to coordinate its actions with Ukraine as both countries bid to join the European Union (EU), Georgian Deputy Prime Minister Giorgi Baramidze said here Thursday. “Gaining EU membership is the golden goal for Georgia and Ukraine. Both countries should support each

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BiH: national reconciliation and trust can not be achieved without the prosecution of all war criminals of all nations in the region

Nebojsa Radmanovic, chairman of the presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, said here Thursday that national reconciliation and trust can not be achieved without the prosecution of all war criminals of all nations in the region. Radmanovic’s statement came as he addressed the UN Security Council in an open meeting on …

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Bulgaria government approved South Stream pipeline

Bulgaria’s Cabinet approved a joint venture to build and operate the Bulgarian section of the South Stream natural gas pipeline. The new business will be registered in Bulgaria and will be controlled on an equal-equity basis by state-held Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Russian gas giant Gazprom. The joint venture’s …

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Greek PM: Greece is on it’s way to recovery

Greece is back from the brink of financial disaster and has paved the way for the future, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou proclaimed Thursday. The austerity measures implemented by the Papandreou government have been met by widespread protests as the nation backs away from the brink of bankruptcy. The Greek …

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Danish diplomats visit Transnistria

The Head of the Denmark Foreign Ministry Department for EU-Russia neighborhood policy, Ruben Madsen, and Councilor-Envoy of the Danish Embassy in Bucharest Iorg Tranberg visited Tiraspol on Tuesday to learn more about situation in this breakaway region of the Republic of Moldova. The diplomats held a meeting

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Băsescu se întâlneşte din nou cu al Assad

Preşedinţii României şi Siriei, Traian Băsescu şi Bashar al-Assad, au joi dimineaţă, la Vila Lac 1, o nouă întrevedere, în cadrul vizitei pe care şeful statului sirian o efectuează în ţara noastră, transmite Agerpres. Cei doi şefi de stat au avut, miercuri, convorbiri oficiale, la Palatul Cotroceni, prilej cu care …

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