Eurasia News

Croatia closes three more EU negotiation chapters

Croatia closed three more negotiation chapters in the EU accession process on Friday (November 5th), for a total of 25 out of 35. At an intergovernmental conference in Brussels, Zagreb closed the free movement of capital, transport policy and institutions chapters. The institutions chapter regulates Croatia’s representation in EU institutions. …

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EU envoy to Serbia: authorities should use the upcoming EC progress report on Serbia as a roadmap

The head of the European Commission (EC) delegation to Serbia, Vincent Degert, said on Saturday (November 6th) that authorities should use the upcoming EC progress report on Serbia as a roadmap. He says the report, scheduled for release Tuesday, will hail the country’s progress in several fields but will also …

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Turkish PM changes of borders in the Balkans would be detrimental to the region

Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in Priština that he “does not believe there will be changes of borders in the Balkans” or a partition of Kosovo. Erdogan, whose country recognized the Kosovo Albanian unilateral declaration of independence, said such a

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Georgia arrested 13 Russian spy suspects

Georgia said on Friday it has dismantled a major Russian spy ring and arrested 13 suspects, including four Russian citizens, who allegedly fed sensitive military information to Moscow. Interior ministry spokesman Shota Utiashvili said the suspects, who included Georgian military officers, had been providing secret information on Georgia’s military to …

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