Eurasia News

Serbia welcomes EU decision to advance its membership application

Serbian Defense Minister Dragan Sutanovac has welcomed the EU’s decision to advance Serbia’s membership application. “Serbia’s European journey cannot be stopped. The defense ministry is doing everything possible and is helping in the hunt for Mladic and Hadzic,” the minister said following the EU foreign ministers’ decision to examine Serbia’s …

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EU border guards to help Greece stop an influx of migrants entering across the land border with Turkey

The EU is for the first time sending border guards to help Greece stem an influx of migrants entering across the land border with Turkey. The Rapid Border Intervention Teams set up in 2007 “are activated today for the first time”, the European Commission said late on Sunday. The Commission …

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Russia plans to build up Black Sea Fleet

Russia plans to add 18 new vessels to its Black Sea Fleet within the next decade after a landmark deal with Ukraine to extend the lease on the fleet’s base, a navy source was quoted by Interfax as saying on Monday. Ukraine agreed in April to extend the Russian fleet’s …

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EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele optimistic about Serbia’s EU application

EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele believes there is a good chance EU foreign ministers will decide to forward Serbia’s EU membership application to the Commission when they meet on Monday (October 25th). Speaking on Friday in Bratislava, he expressed optimism

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