Eurasia News

Cyprus reunification talks to continue

The Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders on Monday met in Nicosia to continue talks on the reunification of the divided Mediterranean Island nation of Cyprus, the United Nations said. The UN-supported talks will

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Spain ends Bosnia military mission after 18 years

Spain on Monday ended its military mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where Spanish Defence Minister Carme Chacon described Spanish troops as having ‘fulfilled’ their task, Spanish media reported. ‘Peace has been brought where it seemed impossible to have it,’ Chacon said during a visit to Sarajevo, ending 18 years of Spanish military …

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Rusia vrea să facă parte din Comitetul Politic şi de Cooperare al UE

Rusia doreşte să facă parte din Comitetul Politic şi de Cooperare, o structură care stabileşte politica externă a Uniunii Europene, informează New York Times. “Am dori ca Rusia şi Uniunea Europeană să poată lua decizii comune”, afirmă Vladimir Cijov, ambasadorul Rusiei la UE, într-un interviu acordat International Herald Tribune, transmite …

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Hungarian President Pal Schmitt in visit to Romania

Hungarian President Pal Schmitt will visit Romania on Monday and Tuesday, at the invitation of his Romanian counterpart Traian Basescu. Official talks between the two heads of State, followed by a joint press conference, will take place at the Cotroceni Palace today. The meeting will focus on the development of …

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Bulgarian Economy Minister: both Bulgaria, Romania to profit from South Stream

Both Bulgaria and Romania might profit from South Stream, stated Bulgarian economy minister Traikov, commenting on views that the two countries are competing for a place in the Russian project. Speaking in an interview for the Bulgarian National Radio, Traikov stated that there are many opportunities for

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