Eurasia News

Greek 2006-2009 Debt, Deficit to Be Revised, EU Says

The European Union said its estimates for Greece’s budget deficit and government debt will be revised higher for the years 2006-2009. Greece pledged to reduce its budget shortfall, the second largest in the EU last year, and increase tax revenue in return for emergency loans from the bloc and the …

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Dodik: Bosnia impossible state

Bosnian Serb president-elect Milorad Dodik on Tuesday repeated his hardline position dismissing Bosnia as an “impossible state” cooked up by the international community. “Bosnia is impossible as a state. It was never a state and it will never be one (…) Bosnia is only possible as a union of republics,” …

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EU envoy urges more efforts ahead of EC report on Macedonia

EU representative in Macedonia Erwan Fouere said on Monday (October 4th) that he expects both the ruling parties and the opposition to make more efforts ahead of the European Commission’s (EC) progress report on the country, due in November. During a meeting with Branko Crvenkovski, leader of the opposition Social …

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Hillary Clinton to visit Belgarde on October 12

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will arrive on official visit to Belgrade on October 12-13. In the frames of the visit Clinton will meet with Serbian President Boris Tadic, Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic, Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic, Minister of Defense Dragan Sutanovac. Talks will be dedicated to the Belgrade-Pristina …

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EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Catherine Ashton, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission made the following statement: “According to the preliminary assessment of OSCE/ODIHR and their International Election Observation Mission for the general elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the elections on 3 October proceeded …

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Slovak FM: No Kosovo recognition

Slovak FM Mikulas Dzurinda stressed at the meeting with Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković that the Slovak government will not consider recognizing Kosovo. He also said that Bratislava supports the initiation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Priština.

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Serbian President Boris Tadić: Serbia can join EU in 2016 at earliest

Serbian President Boris Tadić says Serbia can join the EU in 2016 at the earliest, but that it could come a lot later if reforms in are carried out at a slow pace. “The earliest possible date of Serbia’s EU accession is 2016, on condition that negotiations start late in 2011 …

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Adrian Severin: Moldova Has to Choose between the Future and the Past

Moldovan citizens will have to choose between two kinds of destiny at the early parliamentary elections: between the past and the future, between stagnation and development, between life characterized by the depressed dynamism and another model of the European modernity. The message was transmitted to Chisinau on Friday by Adrian …

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