
Viccnek elég durva volna

Öt hosszú év. Ezalatt Macron neokonzervatív politikája valódi strukturális áttörést hozott a francia „reformokban”, közben leverték az utóbbi évtizedek legjelentősebb társadalmi mozgalmát (a „sárga mellényeseket”), hatalmas sztrájkmozgalmak szenvedtek vereséget, de Franciaország kivette a részét a metoo-ból és a Black Lives Matter mozgalomból is, miközben az elnök autoritárius (szélsőjobboldali elmekkel dúsított) …

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The Complexity Of China’s Economy Along With Rising Prices – Analysis

So far this year, the world has experienced a surge in inflation driven by rising energy and commodity prices in the post-pandemic environment, aggravated by global monetary easing and supply chain distortions. Inflation in the United States hit a record high of 7.5% in January. In major economies such as …

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US-China Relations: Is There A Way Out Of The Abyss?

US-China relations have grown even more strained recently following America’s diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Olympics, the blacklisting of more Chinese firms, and the implementation of a new US law that restricts imports from the Chinese region of Xinjiang, aimed at curbing forced labor abuses there. With the exception of …

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Amid Russia-Ukraine War, Turkey Worries About Floating Mines In Black Sea

As Turkish military dive teams this week safely defused their third floating naval mine in Turkish waters since March 26, some maritime experts said the explosives still pose a threat to Istanbul’s Bosphorus Strait. On March 19, Russia’s FSB intelligence service said 420 naval mines were drifting freely in the …

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How will the Russia-Ukraine war reshape the world? Here are four possible futures.

It’s the big question keeping the world on edge: How does this end? Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war of choice in Ukraine is a world-historical event, marking the final act of the post-Cold War period and the start of a new era, yet unwritten. The spectrum of possible outcomes ranges …

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Plots and Counter-Plots: Western Skulduggery to Realign Central Asia

Someone sure wants regime change in Kazakhstan and Pakistan. Someone sure aims to realign Central Asia from its current Russia-China tilt to a more western-friendly posture. And that someone may be willing to use violence and lawfare to get such results. Who on earth could it be? Answer that question …

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The Dollar Devours the Euro

It is now clear that today’s escalation of the New Cold War was planned over a year ago, with serious strategy associated with America’s plan to block Nord Stream 2 as part of its aim of blocking Western Europe (“NATO”) from seeking prosperity by mutual trade and investment with China …

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Why Ukraine?

There is no doubt that atrocities have been committed in Ukraine, seemingly by Russian attacking forces, and in a perfect world those who so acted would be held responsible. But the world is highly imperfect when it comes to accountability for international crimes. When the International Criminal Court in 2020 …

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Turkey: Beware of Islamists Bearing Gifts

Then there was what turned out to be a myth about the success of Turkish drones used by the Ukrainian army inflicting “huge” damage on the invading Russian columns. Drones, regardless of their capabilities, cannot be game-changers in a conflict with such vastly asymmetrical military might. The West must send …

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Heavy Sanctions Against Russia Could Usher In A Wider Economic War – Analysis

Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was met with unprecedented economic sanctions by the United States and its allies in order to cripple Russia’s capacity to wage war. Never before in post–World War II history has an economy of Russia’s size been reprimanded with such force. Moreover, the sanctions could remain …

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