
Saudi extends 2018 deposit at Yemen central bank, pays final installment

Saudi Arabia on Monday extended a deposit it gave the central bank of Yemen’s internationally recognised government in 2018, and agreed to pay the final installment of the promised $2 billion, the central bank and Saudi ambassador to Yemen said. The Saudi finance ministry said the 2018 deposit duration would …

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Turkey foils Daesh suicide bomber in province bordering Syria

As part of its countrywide counterterrorism operations, Turkey has arrested a suicide bomber allegedly linked to Daesh who was planning an attack in the southeastern province of Urfa, bordering Syria. Bashar Al-Mizhen, codenamed Abi Enes Al-Kathani, has confessed to the authorities. Mizhen, who joined Daesh in 2015 and received special …

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Iran state TV says 2 French nationals arrested over protests

Iran’s state TV on Tuesday confirmed the arrest of two French citizens, saying they met with protesting teachers and took part in an anti-government rally. The report identified the two as Cecile Kohler, 37, and Chuck Paris, 69, and said they were not on a tourist visit to Iran. France …

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Government’s counter-terrorism programme targeted mainstream rightwing views as ‘far-right’ while ignoring Islamist extremism and backing groups that promoted the TALIBAN, says bombshell leaked report

Britain’s counter-terrorism programme has focused too much on far-Right fanatics and should now crack down on Islamist extremism, a report has found. An official review of Prevent – the Government’s flagship counter-extremism policy – has found there has been a ‘double standard when dealing with extreme Right-wing and Islamism’, according …

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Ignoring The Middle East At One’s Peril: Turkey Plays Games In NATO

Amid speculation about a reduced US military commitment to security in the Middle East, Turkey has spotlighted the region’s ability to act as a disruptive force if its interests are neglected. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan set off alarm bells this week, declaring that he was not “positive” about possible …

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Russian-Ukraine War: New Opportunity For Demagogues To Destroy Freedoms At Home

Politicians thoroughly enjoy times of war. Periods of bellicosity are when the most power-hungry members of the political class indulge in their most depraved political fantasies. The Russo-Ukrainian War has been no exception to this trend. Western politicians have been taking advantage of the largest conventional military conflict on European …

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Pääkirjoitus: Suomi marssii Natoon ylpeästi etuovesta – kantona kaskessa on vielä iltalypsyä yrittävä Turkki

Päätös sotilaallisesta liittoutumisesta muuttaa Suomen asemaa syvällisesti ja peruuttamattomasti. Tasavallan presidentti Sauli Niinistö ja maan hallitus pääministeri Sanna Marinin johdolla kertoivat sunnuntaina, että Suomi on päättänyt hakea puolustusliitto Naton jäsenyyttä. Samalla valtiojohto julkaisi Nato-jäsenyyttä puoltavan selonteon. Uutisen historiallisuutta ei voi korostaa liikaa, vaikkei se enää ketään yllättänytkään. Sotilaallinen liittoutuminen avaa …

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Yellen meets war refugees in Poland, pushes food crisis plan

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Monday met with Ukrainian refugees and urged the need to confront Russian brutality as she visited Poland ahead of a meeting of finance ministers for the Group of Seven leading economies. Yellen applauded Poland for helping refugees fleeing the fighting and working with neighboring …

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EU’s Russia sanctions effort slows over oil dependency

The European Union’s efforts to impose a new round of sanctions against Russia over the war in Ukraine appeared to bog down on Monday, as a small group of countries continued to oppose a ban on Russian oil imports. Since Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, the 27-nation bloc has …

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Turkey objects as Sweden, Finland seek NATO membership

Turkey´s president on Monday complicated Sweden and Finland´s historic bid to join NATO, saying he cannot allow them to become members of the alliance because of their perceived inaction against exiled Kurdish militants. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan doubled down on comments last week indicating that the two Nordic countries´ path …

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