
Sprawa Migów, czyli kolejny argument za budową bardzo silnej armii. Takiej, która będzie w stanie samodzielnie nas obronić

Oddanie polskich MiG-ów do dyspozycji USA i ich start z bazy USA-NATO w Ramstein budzi poważne obawy dla całego Sojuszu Atlantyckiego - — powiedział wczoraj rzecznik Pentagonu John Kirby, odnosząc się do polskiej oferty przekazania myśliwców. Przypomnijmy, że Warszawa zaproponowała, by nasze samoloty przejęli Amerykanie, i poprzez bazy w Niemczech …

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Der Westen sollte nicht in die Falle Putins tappen

Der russische Präsident will seinen Überfall auf die Ukraine zu einem grösseren Kampf stilisieren. Umlackierte polnische Jets wären genau das, was Wladimir Putin sich wünscht. Es ist verständlich, dass der ukrainische Präsident Wolodimir Selenski alles versucht, um an Waffen zu kommen, mit denen sein Land sich gegen den russischen Überfall …

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Live updates: How Russia’s assault on Ukraine affects Middle East

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is having an impact well beyond Europe. Follow along for the latest updates affecting the Mideast region. Here’s what we’ve seen so far: Turkey has been testing its ties with Moscow by sending armed drones to Kyiv and invoking a 1936 treaty to limit Russian warships’ …

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The Imperialist Roots of Putin’s Policy

A key factor that explains Vladimir Putin’s military invasion of Ukraine is traditional Russian imperialism. Throughout the world’s long and bloody history, other powerful territories (and, later, nations) expanded their lands through imperial conquest, including Rome, China, Spain, France, Britain, Germany, Japan, and the United States. Russia was no exception. …

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A War-Weakened Russia Has No Strategic Value to China

Scarcely more than a week ago, Chinese social media and the country’s internet were ablaze with quick takes from both prominent commentators and ordinary folks praising Russian President Vladimir Putin’s armed bid to subdue Ukraine, as well as with fervent celebrations of what many in China saw as a toothless …

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Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Is Putting India in the Hot Seat

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, India—which is currently a nonpermanent member of the United Nations Security Council—has drawn scrutiny for having abstained multiple times on votes in the Security Council, U.N. General Assembly and U.N. Human Rights Council on resolutions criticizing the Russian aggression. Instead, the Indian Mission at …

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When Did the Ukraine War Begin?

Viewing the Ukraine war as starting with the current Russian invasion leads to very different conclusions than if you consider that the starting point of this war was the 2014 US-orchestrated coup in Ukraine. The coup, which had elements of an authentic popular revolt, has been used by outside powers …

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Russian Expert On China Kashin: China Is The Big Winner From The Current Fighting, Russia Becomes Economically Dependent On China, And America Must Station Forces In Europe Rather Than In The Pacific

As Russia braced for Western sanctions imposed after it launched its invasion of Ukraine, it was comforted by the expectation that China had its economic back. On of Russia’s preeminent China experts, Vassily Kashin, gave a frank and extensive interview to Novaya Gazeta, where he specified those areas, where China …

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Jordan-Based Egyptian Islamic Scholar Zaghloul Al-Naggar: Ukrainian President Zelensky Is A Zionist Extremist; Secular World Leaders Are Crazy, Will Use Nuclear Weapons

Jordan-based Egyptian Islamic scholar Sheikh Zaghloul Al-Naggar said in a March 5, 2022 show on the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Channel 9 (Turkey) that it is hypocritical for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to have asked the Mufti of Ukraine to pray for its protection because Zelensky is an “extremist Zionist.” Al-Naggar also …

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