
Russia just ordered troops into Ukraine again. What happens next?

Weeks of dire Western warnings began to bear out on Monday when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian troops into the two separatist regions of eastern Ukraine after recognizing their independence. Europe’s post-Cold War security order now hangs in the balance as many wonder whether those troops will stop at …

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Chinese vessel lasing ADF aircraft

Defence can confirm that on 17 February 2022, a P-8A Poseidon detected a laser illuminating the aircraft while in flight over Australia’s northern approaches. The laser was detected as emanating from a People’s Liberation Army – Navy (PLA-N) vessel. Illumination of the aircraft by the Chinese vessel is a serious …

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Pakistan’s acquisition of Chinese J-10C fighter jets significant for both sides: analysts

After alleged images of the J-10C fighter jet with the marking of the Pakistan Air Force recently emerged on social media and were widely circulated by media outlets, Chinese analysts on Sunday lauded the latest defense cooperation between China and Pakistan, saying that the move yields great significance to both …

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Nuclear Ukraine: What Kiev’s threats to acquire world’s deadliest weapons mean

Kiev claims it could get an A-bomb, unless it receives Western protection against Russia Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has said his nation will have every right to become a nuclear power, citing a document signed by leading world states back when Kiev agreed to get rid of Soviet nuclear weapons …

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Управляемая кампания

Политолог Дмитрий Суслов — о сценариях развития событий вокруг гарантий безопасности Содержание переданного 17 февраля российского ответа на американское письмо на требования Москвы по гарантиям безопасности, а также происходящее в российско-западных отношениях и вокруг Украины свидетельствуют о том, что скоро мы будем наблюдать одновременное продолжение дипломатического марафона сразу по двум …

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Детям, которых сейчас грузят в автобусы в Донецке, угрожает опасность. Россия без колебаний может принести их в “жертву” ради повода к обострению

Позвонил только что бабушке. Сказал, чтобы даже не думала никуда эвакуироваться: никто ни на кого наступать не собирается. Но убежден, что президент должен в самое ближайшее время по всем национальным каналам сделать официальное заявление: Украина не планирует никаких наступательных действий на территорию ОРДЛО, нет никаких причин для эвакуации. Более того: …

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Jogállamisági mechanizmus: tort ült az igazság

A magyar kormány újabb jogi csatát veszített el. A jogállamisági per időhúzásra jó volt, azonban amíg zajlott az eljárás, hozzáláttak a pénzcsapok elzárásához. Az ellenőrzés teljesen kicsúszott a kormány kezéből, most már a pénzügyi döntések elszenvedői lehetnek, befolyásolói nem. Rossz hír, hogy ez az egész országnak fájni fog. A jogállamisági …

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Why Is China Fanning the Flames of Ethnic Politics in the Balkans?

The fragile geopolitical nature of the Balkans has allowed Russia to consistently undermine Western integration attempts in the region. While foreign interference is nothing new in Europe’s underbelly, it has historically been limited to regional powers and the U.S. But China’s recent collaboration with Russia in supporting ethnic separatism in …

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What Is Going to Happen in Ukraine?

Every day brings new noise and fury in the crisis over Ukraine, mostly from Washington. But what is really likely to happen? There are three possible scenarios: The first is that Russia will suddenly launch an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. The second is that the Ukrainian government in Kyiv will …

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US tank sale to bolster Polish forces as allies focus on Russia’s movements

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Friday that the U.S. will sell 250 M1A2 Abrams tanks to Poland, giving a key NATO ally that borders Russia a substantial boost in firepower. Adding the tanks to the Polish arsenal will ensure more equitable security burden-sharing in NATO, he said, although he noted …

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