
Le sanzioni della Russia all’Europa (già scattate, nel silenzio) e lo «tsunami» sui prezzi di pane e pasta

Mentre Usa ed Europa cercano di mettere a punto un pacchetto di sanzioni contro la Russia per la questione dell’Ucraina, Mosca ha già agito: anzitutto vietando l’esportazione dei fertilizzanti azotati. Una mossa con pesanti ripercussioni: eccole Mentre la Casa Bianca e i governi europei cercavano faticosamente di immaginare eventuali sanzioni …

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Turkey’s six opposition leaders met to change Erdoğan regime

Turkey’s six opposition party leaders held a critical meeting on February 12 announcing their collaboration against President Tayyip Erdoğan’s Presidential System, indicating a formation of an unprecedented opposition block. In the 2019 local elections, many metropolitan municipalities, including Istanbul and Ankara, were taken from the ruling Justice and Development Party …

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A kígyó és a farka

A jogállamisági hajcihő legszórakoztatóbb fejezete, amikor mindenféle emberek, teljesen tudatlan külföldiek és rájuk pulzáló itthoni barátaik felváltva sikoltoznak, hogy nem kapunk pénzt, a Magyarország nevű entitás éhen hal, mert megsérti a jogállamiság szabályrendszerét. Nekem azért tetszik ez a nézet, mert tulajdonképpen másról sincs szó, mint arról, hogy a kígyó beleharap …

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Morawiecki zastosował w TSUE zasadę cepa. Sytuacja zaczyna być groźna dla Polski

Premier Mateusz Morawiecki – przy aprobacie prezesa PiS Jarosława Kaczyńskiego – postanowił sprawdzić w Trybunale Sprawiedliwości UE, czy zasada “pieniądze za praworządność” jest zgodna z traktatami europejskimi. Rzadko można zobaczyć tak dojmujący przykład politycznej głupoty Głupotą jest zachowanie, gdy polityk na własne życzenie pogarsza pozycję kraju i swoją osobiście. Trudno …

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Beyond piracy: making waves in the Western Indian Ocean

A broader maritime security approach is welcome but can the interests of the shipping industry and coastal states align? For almost two decades, maritime security in the Western Indian Ocean was associated with fighting pirates off the coast of Somalia. These initiatives now need to be reformed as piracy has …

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Images show Russian military activity near Ukraine still high – satellite firm

Images showed locations in Belarus, western Russia and annexed Crimea on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Satellite images show Russia has moved some of its military equipment that was deployed near Ukraine, but other hardware has arrived and Moscow still has a lot of forces and equipment near its ex-Soviet neighbor, …

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Ukraine accuses Russia of violating truce agreements after shelling accusations

Russia has denied planning any attacks, while Ukraine military denied accusations that government troops attacked. Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba on Thursday said Russia was violating ceasefire agreements under the Minsk accords after Kyiv earlier accused Russian-backed separatists of shelling a village. Russian-backed rebels and Ukrainian forces traded accusations that …

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40 African heads of state head to Brussels for EU Summit

At least 40 heads of state and government are expected in the Belgian capital Brussels for a Summit with the European Union, officials said on Wednesday ahead of the crucial inter-bloc meeting. Expected attendees The leaders, including Presidents Uhuru Kenyatta (Kenya), Paul Kagame (Rwanda) and Burundi’s Evariste Ndayishime; Ethiopian Prime …

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Failure in Moscow: Liz Truss loses Britannia’s Way

Incompetent politicians and diplomats are on the level with ill-prepared generals fighting current wars with dated methods. They err, they stumble, and they may well be responsible for the next idiotic slander, misfire or misunderstanding. UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is synonymous with Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s idea of groping …

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US, NATO double down on war threats against Russia over Ukraine

Events are exposing the threats and lies that the NATO powers are using to launch a war drive against Russia. Yesterday, the date US officials had said would see the beginning of Russia’s conquest of Ukraine, came and went without any Russian invasion whatsoever, and Russia in fact pulled back …

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