
Putin Cannot Erase Ukraine

No Russian Invasion Can Undo Ukrainian Nationhood Russian President Vladimir Putin has made no secret of how he regards Ukraine, the nation he is threatening to invade. At the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest, Romania, Putin told U.S. President George W. Bush that the former Soviet state “is not even …

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Russia Expels Senior U.S. Diplomat from Moscow as Tensions over Ukraine Rise

Russia has expelled the second-most senior American diplomat at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow as tensions between the two countries continue to rise over a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine, the State Department said Thursday. “Russia’s action against our [deputy chief of mission] was unprovoked and we consider this an …

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Iran Needs Atomic Energy, Not Nuclear Weapons, Khamenei Says as Vienna Talks Reach ‘Tipping Point’

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a televised speech Thursday that Iran needs atomic energy and is not pursuing nuclear weapons, as the nuclear talks with the world powers has reached its final stages. “We will sooner or later need peaceful nuclear energy. If we do not pursue …

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‘Polarised’ Montenegro Urged to Address Online Extremism in New Strategy

At a moment of deep polarisation in Montenegro, authorities are being urged to address online extremism in the country’s new counter-terrorism strategy.Montenegro’s new counter-terrorism strategy must focus more on young people and the dangers of extremist content online, civil society groups say. Montenegro’s new Strategy for Preventing Radicalisation and Violent …

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Putin wycofuje się z grożenia wojną. „Geopolityka przegrywa ze strachem o własny tyłek”

Rosyjski prezydent urządził na Kremlu widowisko, podczas którego ministrowie obrony i dyplomacji przekonywali go, by kontynuował rozmowy z Zachodem. Zmiana retoryki Kremla to kombinacja strachu przed zadzieraniem z Ukraińcami oraz sankcjami, które uderzyłyby w osobiste majątki rosyjskiej elity. Jest też nadzieja, że niemiecki kanclerz Olaf Scholz przywiezie we wtorek do …

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France and EU to withdraw troops from Mali, remain in region

France announced Thursday that it will no longer have troops in Mali by the summer amid tensions with the country’s ruling military junta, although Paris intends to maintain a military presence in neighboring West African nations. President Emmanuel Macron accused Mali’s authorities of neglecting the fight against Islamic extremists and …

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The Altruistic USA always needs an enemy

Since the Korean war, the USA could not pass a reasonable long time without at least one enemy, if not more, around the globe. It constantly finds a foe on the horizon. They can find or discover an adversary when needed and notably, they need it always! No need to …

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Will Xi Jinping’s ‘End of Days’ Plunge China and the World into War?

Xi Jinping, China’s mighty-looking leader, has an “enormous array of domestic enemies.” — Gregory Copley, president of the International Strategic Studies Association and editor-in-chief of Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, to Gatestone Institute, February 2022. Xi created that opposition. After becoming China’s ruler at the end of 2012, he …

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Операция по принуждению России к войне провалилась

Вчера, по меткому выражению официального представителя МИД России Марии Захаровой, информационное агентство Bloomberg “превратилось в тыкву, а те, кто его использовал для пропаганды войны, — в крыс”. Напомним, именно это агентство уже начинало “российское вторжение на Украину”. А затем анонсировало уже окончательное “нападение” на 15 февраля.Сегодня, 16 февраля, в такие …

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In Ukraine, an Old War Enters a New Phase

KYIV—Oleksandr Biletskyi is standing in a lecture hall on the outskirts of Kyiv laying out the items he considers most necessary to have on hand for emergencies. On the table in front of him, he’s placed a bag containing a compass, a pocketknife, a carabiner and a roll of tape. …

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