
The U.S. Sanctions Toolkit Can No Longer Hold Off Global Challengers

n Christmas Eve in 2002, I was suddenly dispatched from my base in Tokyo, where I was the New York Times bureau chief at the time, to Seoul, the capital of South Korea, to cover reports that North Korea was about to reactivate a nuclear reactor that had previously been …

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The Less Said About NATO and Ukraine, the Better

Neither Membership nor Neutrality Is the Answer With Russia massing troops on Ukraine’s border and demanding an end to NATO enlargement, a heated international debate has broken out over whether limits on future membership in the alliance might resolve the crisis and avert war. Some have argued that it is …

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Ethiopia’s accusations against Egypt, Sudan dispel hopes for Renaissance Dam crisis

Egypt considers recent statements made by Ethiopian officials a setback for Nile Dam talks. The positive signals exchanged between Egypt and Ethiopia in January did not help to overcome the two countries’ existing differences let alone move toward resuming the stalled negotiations on the controversial Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). …

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Israeli leadership caught between US, Russia over Ukraine

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid walk a fine line to avoid angering Russian President Vladimir Putin while not turning their backs on the United States and Ukraine. Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s briefing to reporters Feb. 13 about escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine can best be …

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Specialized US Army unit helps Russia’s neighbors train against large-scale attacks

If tiny Latvia’s single active army brigade ever came under attack by Russian forces, its task would be keeping them on their heels while staying alive long enough for allies to send reinforcements, the brigade commander said. “It’s not like 1945, when we were on our own,” said Col. Sandris …

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Naval presence in Mediterranean and Black seas at highs rarely seen since Cold War

Warships are transiting the Mediterranean Sea and nearby waters in numbers rarely seen in recent decades, adding another dimension to the ongoing tensions between NATO and Russia over Moscow’s military buildup along Ukraine’s borders. While the focus remains on the 130,000 Russian troops massed along Ukraine’s land borders and whether …

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US and NATO deem Russia a persistent threat to Europe, will add battlegroups in response

NATO military commanders will draw up plans for the creation of allied battlegroups in central and southeastern Europe, in response to the “new normal” of a persistent Russian threat to the Continent, the alliance’s top official said Wednesday. Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said there is no evidence that Moscow has begun …

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La dangereuse dérive de la droite républicaine

En reprenant, dimanche 13 février, des concepts comme le « grand remplacement » ou les « Français de papiers », Valérie Pécresse puise directement dans la sémantique d’auteurs xénophobes et passéistes et s’enferme dans la logique de l’exclusion et du rejet. Editorial du « Monde ». Lors de son premier grand meeting de campagne, …

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Великі Байден і Джонсон 16 лютого здобудуть перемогу над Путіним. США та Великобританія розпочали проти нього гібридну війну

Великі Байден і Джонсон 16 лютого здобудуть перемогу над Путіним. Ця цитата пояснює все: “Серією практично безкровних маневрів, виконаних за допомогою “мирних маршів” під прикриттям димової завіси більш-менш правдоподібної пропаганди, Гітлер… докорінно змінив ситуацію в Європі на свою користь. Прямо це виражалося у стрімкому розвитку озброєння, а непрямо – у …

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«Кулак остается занесенным»

Президент России Владимир Путин прокомментировал обращение Госдумы в свой адрес с просьбой признать ДНР и ЛНР. Выступая на пресс-конференции после переговоров с канцлером Германии Олафом Шольцем, он заявил, что большинство россиян опасаются за судьбу жителей Донбасса, тем более на фоне отвода от границ российских войск. Между тем Запад в целом …

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