
Russia and Ukraine say Berlin talks fail to yield breakthrough

Russia and Ukraine said they had failed to reach any breakthrough in a day of talks with French and German officials aimed at ending an eight-year separatist conflict in eastern Ukraine. The lack of progress marked a setback for efforts to defuse the wider Ukraine crisis in which Russia has …

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UK PM Says Europe In Most Serious Security Crisis In Decades Over Ukraine

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has warned that Russia’s military buildup near Ukraine, which the West suspects is a prelude to an invasion, has triggered Europe’s most serious security crisis in decades, as Moscow began holding joint military exercises in Belarus involving more than 30,000 troops. As Johnson spoke in …

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Russia Starts Military Drills In Belarus, Docks Ships At Crimean Port

Russia opened 10 days of massive military drills in Belarus on Thursday and docked six of its ships at a strategic Black Sea port, drawing a sharp rebuke from Ukrainian officials who characterized Moscow’s actions as further escalating tensions in the region. The Russian maneuvers in Belarus involved thousands of …

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English Dominance In The EU: Is It An Effect Of Globalization? – Analysis

The familiar biblical Tower of Babel narratives begin after Noah’s Deluge, humans attempted to rebuild the civilization, where they decided to construct the tower reaching to the heavens, and this displeased God. “The Lord said, ‘if as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then …

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An Essay On The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine: Domestic Political Maneuverings (Part II) – Analysis

The politics of Russia and of Ukraine have been intimately intermingled ever since the formal divorce of the two countries from the Soviet Union in 1991. As with many collapses of larger states into smaller ones, the old political habits do not just disappear overnight and power relations between the …

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An American Fight In Ukraine Brings Big Costs, No Benefits

If there was one thing that predictably united the usually squabbling Roman elite, it was the emergence of a perceived threat to Rome’s Mediterranean and near-continental hegemony. To some degree, however difficult to calculate, it is impossible to deny that the dissolution of the Soviet Union has been responsible for …

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Slovensko je sice už Západ, ale Rusko to s ním nevzdalo

Obranná smlouva s USA, kterou tento týden schválil slovenský parlament a podepsala prezidentka Zuzana Čaputová, je standardní mezinárodní smlouva. Smlouva, kterou má se Spojenými státy uzavřenou mnoho evropských zemí. V případě Slovenska se týká dvou vojenských letišť, kde Slováci umožní po dohodě Američanům přistávat a tankovat. Počet Američanů, kteří se …

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Ukraina; morālā dimensija

Saeimas deputāts un Nacionālās drošības komisijas loceklis Valērijs Agešins 31. janvārī, komentējot iespējamo Latvijas karavīru sūtīšanu uz Ukrainu, atzīmēja, ka “nesaskata šim solim nekādu racionālu nepieciešamību”, savu viedokli pamatojot ar vārdiem: “Uzskatu, ka konfliktsituācijas starp valstīm var efektīvi pārvarēt diplomātiskā ceļā un, kā saka diplomāti, tam jābalstās uz konsekventu pragmatismu. …

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Poland receives first batch of UK marines amid Ukraine-Russia tensions

The first of 350 British marines have flown to Poland to bolster NATO’s eastern flank amid tensions over a Russian military build-up around Ukraine. The same day, Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited Poland to discuss the situation in Ukraine and the region with his Polish counterpart, Mateusz Morawiecki. The troops …

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German businesses slam sanction plans as trade with Russia booms

After Germany’s trade volume with Russia rose by more than a third in 2021, businesses have called on the government to maintain good economic relations with President Vladimir Putin. Easing tensions with Russia would be key to continuing the upward trend in Germany’s Eastern trade, the German Committee on Eastern …

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