
Hangi Putin?

Dünyanın en çok konuştuğu isim -hiç tartışmasız- Rusya Başkanı Vladimir Putin… Ukrayna’da savaş çıkar mı? Sorunun cevabını verebilecek tek kişi o. Peki, “Putin nasıl bir karar verecek? Ukrayna’yı işgal mi edecek, yoksa sınırlara yığdığı askerlerini, tanklarını, toplarını, zırhlılarını, füzelerini geri mi çekecek?” …………….. HUFFPOST dünkü sayısında şöyle yazıyor: “Sorunun cevabı …

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China and Russia Add Another Pipeline to Their Energy Ties That Bind

With the Winter Olympics now underway, all eyes are fixed on the competing athletes as they take to the ice and snow. But amid the dazzling displays of athletic prowess, significant developments have simultaneously taken place on the diplomatic sidelines of the Games. Russian President Vladimir Putin, who arrived in …

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3 face terror charges for arson attack on Greek Church group

A Greek prosecutor on Wednesday brought terrorism charges against three people accused of participation in an arson attack by an extremist anarchist group against an Orthodox Christian religious society in the northern city of Thessaloniki. The suspects, two men aged 35 and a 20-year-old woman, all Greek citizens, were arrested …

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Balkan Parties Join Rightist Summit in Madrid to ‘Defend Europe’

Far-right leaders from all over Europe gathered in Spain last week to form a united front – but forging a common platform on issues like Russia is proving tricky. Under the slogan “Defend Europe”, representatives of far-right nationalist parties in Eastern Europe and the Balkans attended a summit in Madrid …

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Slovakia is traditionally viewed as the more religious part of the one-time common Czecho-Slovak state. Yet the latest census shows the country is becoming more atheist and this shift will likely be irreversible. Population data since 1989 has supported the stereotypical view that Slovaks are the more religious people of …

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Raising Interest Rates Won’t Change Energy Prices, Says ECB Chief Lagarde

Talking to EU lawmakers on Monday (8 February), European Central Bank (ECB) president Christine Lagarde reacted to criticism from conservative politicians who blamed ECB policy for the inflation currently biting into Europeans’ purchasing power. Yearly inflation was at 5.1% in January 2022, up from 5% in December, which is higher …

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The Weaponization Of Economics (Part II)

Slippery slope However, interesting as those experiments and observations might be, they are still the result of specific parameters within a particular setting and an environment that doesn’t resemble real life. Serious and honest behavioral economists both understand and freely admit this. Just because there was one experiment in which …

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The Russian Navy In The Russia-Ukraine War Scare – Analysis

Shortly after the conclusion of the Russian-Belarusian strategic Zapad-2021 exercise, open-source analysts, corroborated by U.S. intelligence findings, began reporting a new build-up of Russian forces on the Ukrainian border. Though most tracking concentrates on the movement of Russian Ground Forces equipment, the Russian Navy has also been moving, albeit at …

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Rusia no quiere intermediarios

Putin deja en ridículo a Macron, y con él a Europa, para dejar claro que solo acepta que se le reconozca una relación entre grandes potencia con Estados Unidos Las prisas que se ha dado el Kremlin en desmentir que los presidentes de Rusia y Francia alcanzaran el lunes un …

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Die Pipeline, deren Name nicht genannt werden darf

Scholz in Washington; Macron in Moskau, Kiew und Berlin, wo er den Kanzler und den polnischen Präsidenten Duda trifft; Scholz nächste Woche in Moskau – der deutschen und der französischen Führung ist kein Weg zu weit beim Versuch, den Kreml von einem Überfall auf die Ukraine abzuhalten. Putin soll ganz …

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