
Greece receives ‘game-changer’ Rafale aircraft from France

A ceremony at the Tanagra Air Force Base marked the arrival, in which a Greek priest blessed the jets and their pilots. “La bas!” – “Over there” – a French journalist broke the silence pointing at a formation of specks in the overcast sky. Greece’s newly-acquired fourth generation Rafale aircraft …

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Москва гони НАТО от България? А кой ще ни пази от Турция?

Миналата седмица руският външен министър направи груба грешка – уточни, че Москва настоява НАТО да си изтегли войските от Румъния и България. Не е някаква новина. В ултиматума, който Путин връчи на САЩ още преди месец, пише, че военните сили на НАТО трябва да се върнат, където бяха през 1997 …

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The U.S.-China Rivalry According to China

Much has already been said about the recent heightening of U.S.-China tensions and its potential fallout. What gets less attention is how the U.S. and China themselves perceive the status of their relationship, and how that affects their plans for the future. An analysis of prevailing elite opinion in the …

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Polish Supreme Court body Brussels wants disbanded, picks new head

The Supreme Court’s Disciplinary Chamber, which the EU Court of Justice ordered Poland to dismantle over rule-of-law-related concerns, is set to elect its new president. “The Chamber plans its further activity as if it was confident of its fate”, says investigative journalism website OKO Press, informing that the Chamber’s member …

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Greek army steps in to save government snowstorm fiasco

After a heavy snowstorm paralysed Athens, the Greek army was asked to intervene and help citizens who were trapped in their cars for hours. Despite initial guarantees that the state was prepared, the government has lost control of the situation. Many parts of Athens are still facing electricity cut off, …

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Crisis in Ukraine: France calls for a ‘de-escalation’ of tensions

The situation between Russia and Ukraine is “highly volatile”, and it is necessary to avoid “the self-fulfilling character” of the crisis, the Elysée Palace said on Monday. More specifically, the reasons for this “volatility” are linked to the “Russian military presence on the other side of the Ukrainian border”, as …

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How to Retreat From Ukraine

One of the hardest challenges in geopolitics is figuring out how to conduct a successful retreat. We witnessed that reality last summer in Afghanistan, when the Biden administration made the correct strategic choice — cutting our losses instead of escalating to preserve a morally bankrupt status quo — but then …

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Spotlight Ukraine: Latest Blinken-Lavrov Aftermath

From a distance, one gets the impression that this past Friday’s face to face meeting between US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, could’ve been done over the phone. Both sides reiterated their differences and announced another meeting, with the Biden administration saying that it’ll …

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Biden’s Ukrainian Albatross

Then-Secretary of State Colin Powell is given credit for popularizing the “Pottery Barn” rule of foreign policy. Though he denies using that exact phrase, in arguing against what became the disastrous 2003 US attack on Iraq Powell made the point that, as in Pottery Barn, “if you break it, you …

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NATO Bears Some Responsibility For The Ukraine Crisis

With the Russians massing 100,000 troops near Ukraine, and Western media continue to vilify Russian strongman Vladimir Putin, the blame for the current crisis in Eastern Europe is being laid solely at the feet of Russia. A Russian invasion of all or part of Ukraine would be horrible and unneeded …

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