
Neoliberalism, Stress, and Sex

Writing about sex in the year 2022 is not at all, like writing about sex in the late 1960s – the time of student revolution, and 1970s – the time of the sexual revolution. At that time, the air was charged with sexual curiosity. Women’s lives were changing at a …

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Israel, Jewish Groups Discuss Airlifting Ukraine’s Jews if Russia Invades

As threat of Russian invasion looms, top officials examine possibility of emergency evacuation for up to 75,000 Ukrainians thought to be eligible for Israeli citizenship under Law of Return With a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine looming, a briefing held Sunday by top officials in the Israeli government and Jewish …

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Russia rejects UK claim of trying to replace Ukraine leader

Russia’s Foreign Ministry on Sunday rejected a British claim that the Kremlin is seeking to replace Ukraine’s government with a pro-Moscow administration, and that former Ukrainian lawmaker Yevheniy Murayev is a potential candidate. Britain’s Foreign Office on Saturday also named several other Ukrainian politicians it said had links with Russian …

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In eastern Ukraine, trench warfare grinds on against backdrop of invasion fears

In his raspy smoker’s voice, the middle-age Ukrainian soldier urged a visitor to hurry through a stretch of muddy trench that traversed an open clearing. Gesturing eastward, he warned of snipers lurking only a few hundred yards away. “We must run until we reach cover,” he said. On the front …

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Is Putin Following In Steps Of Peter The Great? – Analysis

Three hundred and forty kilometers east of the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, lies the city of Poltava. At its heart is a semi-circular square with a cast-iron column and nearly two dozen eighteenth-century Swedish cannons captured in the 1709 Battle of Poltava, a decisive encounter in the Great Northern War, waged …

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Hypocritical Scolding Won’t Stop Russian War On Ukraine

As Moscow signals its apparent readiness for war over Ukraine, the U.S. government seems determined to ignore Russia’s not-so-ridiculous concerns over the military alliances of neighboring states and the prospect of nuclear weapons on its borders. Should Americans worry about our country inserting itself into another war? Ukraine is far …

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Kazakhstan: Dying In The Darkness

When Aidana Zhanadilova and her friends arrived at Republic Square on January 6, Almaty was enveloped in a meteorological and communications fog. The day before, after a crowd of several thousand people overpowered security forces and broke into Almaty’s city hall, the government flicked the switch on the internet. What …

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Why Is Europe So Obsessed With Pacific Tax Regimes?

Among the 9 jurisdictions singled out by the European Union for their “abusive tax practices”, no less than 6 are small, Pacific island nations with underdeveloped economies. As unlikely as it seems, Brussels’ obsession with the region looks like it has less to do with the noble fight against tax …

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US threatens use of novel export control to damage Russia’s strategic industries if Moscow invades Ukraine

The Biden administration is threatening to use a novel export control to damage strategic Russian industries, from artificial intelligence and quantum computing to civilian aerospace, if Moscow invades Ukraine, administration officials say. The administration may also decide to apply the control more broadly in a way that would potentially deprive …

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EU agency seeks clearer rules on balancing borders, rights

The European Union needs clearer rules on balancing respect for human rights with the need for border protection, the chief of the EU’s Frontex border and coastguard agency said on Friday. Frontex is under growing scrutiny over allegations it violated the human rights of certain people seeking asylum while forcefully …

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