
What are US military options to help Ukraine?

President Joe Biden is not planning to answer a further Russian invasion of Ukraine by sending combat troops. But he could pursue a range of less dramatic yet still risky military options, including supporting a post-invasion Ukrainian resistance. The rationale for not directly joining a Russia-Ukraine war is simple. The …

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NATO should shut the door, but not because Russia said so

After three successive rounds of discussions between the United States, Europe and Russia, the sides are as far apart on the ongoing Ukraine dispute as when the talks began. Moscow remains adamant that under no circumstances can Ukraine, a neighbor and former Soviet republic, join NATO (among other demands). The …

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Satellite images show more Russian troops, equipment near Ukraine

New satellite images released Wednesday show additional Russian troops and equipment near the country’s border with Ukraine. The images, released by satellite imagery company Maxar Technologies, show equipment and troops as close as eight miles to Ukraine in Klimovo and about 18 miles from the border in Klintsy. Maxar says …

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Russia announces sweeping naval drills amid Ukraine tensions

Russia on Thursday announced sweeping naval drills in several parts of the world this month, and claimed the West is plotting “provocations” in neighboring Ukraine where the Kremlin has been accused of planning aggressive military action. Amid a buildup of an estimated 100,000 Russian troops near the border with Ukraine …

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Annad Putinile sõrme, võtab terve käe

Mullu 20. jaanuaril USA presidendiks saanud Joe Bidenist oodati võrreldes tülitekitava ja ettearvamatu Donald Trumpiga palju. Aga Biden pole imet teinud – meie siin Eestis näeme seda enim Venemaa kasvavast ülbusest Ukraina piiril ja NATO-le esitatud ultimaatumist.

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Ucraina, cercando il casus belli

Ucraina. Facciamo queste considerazioni non tanto per sottolineare alcune storiche verità, ma sotto l’influsso negativo delle parole usate dal presidente Biden nella sua lunga, imbarazzata conferenza stampa di mercoledì sera alla Casa bianca, tenuta sulla situazione della crisi americana e sull’Ucraina. Che cosa ha detto Biden di tanto terribile? Per …

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Jędrzej Bielecki: Ukraina. W chwili próby Unia okazała się impotentem

Wobec groźby rosyjskiej inwazji Bruksela jest tak bezsilna, że nawet nie próbuje wykuć wspólnego stanowiska. Nie zmienią tego najbardziej bujne deklaracje Macrona. Przywódcy „27″ spotykają się na szczytach cztery razy do roku. Jednak w 2021 r. zorganizowano sześć dodatkowych spotkań, a w 2021 – cztery dodatkowe. Chodziło o covid, relacje …

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Why Jobs Are Plentiful While Workers Are Scarce – Analysis

Almost two years after the pandemic upended labor markets, job openings are plentiful in many advanced economies, yet workers have not fully returned. This gap, in which the employment rate is below its pre-COVID level, is playing out in the United States and the United Kingdom. Despite tight labor markets, …

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Natural Gas And Nuclear Power In EU: If You Can’t Beat Them, Green Them – Analysis

Background The European Union (EU) has proposed a new green taxonomy under which some natural gas and nuclear energy projects may be labelled as “green” investments if they meet specific criteria. A nuclear power plant is labelled green if the project has a plan, has secured funds, found a site …

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A New Trust To Help Countries Build Resilience And Sustainability – Analysis

Even as countries continue to battle COVID-19, it is crucial not to overlook the longer-term challenge of transforming economies to become more resilient to shocks and achieve sustainable and inclusive growth. The pandemic has taught us that not addressing these long-term challenges in a timely manner can have significant economic …

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