
Nazarbayev’s Fate in Kazakhstan Is a Cautionary Tale for Putin and Xi

More even than most crises, the events unfolding in Kazakhstan in recent days can be read in myriad ways. On one level, it clearly appears to have resulted in yet another opportunity for Russian President Vladimir Putin to claw back control over domains lost by the Kremlin following the demise …

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Nazarbayev’s Fate in Kazakhstan Is a Cautionary Tale for Putin and Xi

More even than most crises, the events unfolding in Kazakhstan in recent days can be read in myriad ways. On one level, it clearly appears to have resulted in yet another opportunity for Russian President Vladimir Putin to claw back control over domains lost by the Kremlin following the demise …

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Πληθωρισμός ανοησίας

Τα λογιστήρια των επιχειρήσεων λιανικής πώλησης, ιδιαίτερα των σούπερ μάρκετ, έχουν πάρει φωτιά. Τις επόμενες μέρες θα πρέπει να περάσουν στους κωδικούς χιλιάδων προϊόντων πρώτης ανάγκης (κυρίως τροφίμων, που είτε είναι εισαγόμενα είτε εξαρτώνται από εισαγόμενες πρώτες ύλες) μεγάλες αυξήσεις τιμών, ακόμη και πάνω από 20%. Αλλά και τα εγχωρίως …

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Az inflációt csak lassítani fogja, de közben sokaknak kárt okozhat az élelmiszerárak fixálása

Piacgazdaságban szokatlan lépést jelentett be Orbán Viktor, pár alapvető élelmiszer árának októberi szinten való rögzítése ráadásul úgy történik, hogy azon mindenki veszít, csak az állam nem. A fogyasztók pedig nagyot nem nyernek vele. Hat alapvető élelmiszer esetében jelentette be az árak október 15-i szinten befagyasztását a miniszterelnök. Orbán Viktor közlése …

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«Россия и Запад ведут информационную войну»

Ждем письменной реакции — так министр иностранных дел Сергей Лавров прокомментировал итоги переговоров в формате Россия—США и Россия—НАТО. По его словам, после получения соответствующих документов в Кремле определят дальнейшую линию поведения в отношении Запада. При этом российская сторона особо отмечает, что по ключевым вопросам понимание так и не было достигнуто. …

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Jugement de Coblence: la justice internationale, enfin, montre ses dents

C’est un jour empli d’émotion, de soulagement, mais aussi de colère et de larmes. En condamnant à une peine de perpétuité un tortionnaire syrien, le tribunal allemand de Coblence n’a pas seulement dit le droit. Il envoie aussi un message percutant aux Syriens. C’est la première fois qu’ils voient un …

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The U.S. Should Compete With China and Russia—but Wisely

As the Biden administration prepares to release its National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy, observers are searching for clues on how those reviews will grapple with the framework of “great-power competition” that anchored the previous administration’s high-level policy documents. That framework has achieved substantial bipartisan traction in the intervening …

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NATO Is Focusing on the Wrong Russian Threat in Eastern Europe

As NATO has focused its attention on Russia’s offensive military capabilities in Eastern Europe, an equally significant and, in practice, more problematic issue has been largely ignored: Russia’s preponderance of “anti-access, area-denial” capabilities in the borderlands between the Baltic and Black Seas. Is NATO focusing on the wrong Russian threat …

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The Myths and Realities of European Security in a Post-INF World

On Feb. 2, the United States formally declared its intention to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, or INF, treaty. The official declaration, which had been signaled by the Trump administration well in advance, set the clock ticking: Unless Russia unexpectedly returns to full and verifiable compliance with the treaty …

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As the U.S. Disengages, Russia Ramps Up Aid and Arms Sales to Sub-Saharan Africa

In early March, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov embarked on a five-country tour of sub-Saharan Africa. During his trip, Lavrov signed new trade agreements with Russia’s two long-standing partners in southern Africa, Angola and Mozambique. He also strengthened Moscow’s diplomatic ties to Zimbabwe’s new government and highlighted the role Russia …

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