
How GDP Stats Create Illusion Of Fed-Fueled Economic Growth – Analysis

Most experts tend to assess the strength of an economy in terms of real gross domestic product (GDP). The GDP framework looks at the value of final goods and services produced during a particular time interval, usually a quarter or a year. The GDP is formed as the summation of …

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Will The Crisis In Kazakhstan Affect Putin’s Plans For Ukraine? – Analysis

Russia’s military intervention in Kazakhstan to support the country’s embattled regime was an effort by Moscow to help head off a popular revolt attempting to unseat a friendly autocrat in a neighboring country. And a week after mass protests and subsequent riots first swept Kazakhstan, the Kremlin’s gamble appears to …

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Politics, Society And Religion In The Middle East And North Africa – Analysis

The Arab world is one of the most volatile regions in the world and plays a central role in global politics today. (1) With its great diversity of peoples, languages, and cultures, it is also home to the fastest-growing religion in the world: Islam. (2) Add to that immense socio-economic …

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US, Russia Hold Day-Long Talks Amid Ukraine Tensions

Diplomats from the United States and Russia held day-long talks Monday in Geneva about Moscow’s massive troop buildup along its Ukraine border and Russian demands for Western security guarantees. A U.S. State Department spokesperson said the meeting, the first of several this week, began just before 9 a.m. local time …

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We Need A Revolution – OpEd

A recent Washington Post/University of Maryland poll found that 34 percent of Americans think violent action against the government can be justifiable. This view is held by 40 percent of Republicans and 23 percent of Democrats. The result may seem surprising since leftists have been responsible for much of the …

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US-China Sustainable Infrastructure Collaborative Opportunities: Green Partnerships Must Begin In Africa – Analysis

Implementing sustainable farming practices and infrastructure development in Africa has been an ongoing challenge. Foreign resource extraction operations on the continent offer exchanges of raw materials for capital and critical infrastructure development. These infrastructure projects are crucial for cooperative economic development in Africa. However, the inattention to sustainability through the …

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Putyin már a NATO feloszlatását követeli – Orbán Viktornak is döntenie kell, ki mellé áll

Lényegében a NATO feloszlatásával, Közép-Európa, s benne Magyarország szuverenitásának csorbításával egyenértékű az Oroszország által decemberben előterjesztett két szerződéstervezet. Noha mind az Egyesült Államok, mind a NATO elutasította az orosz ultimátumot, a hétvégén Genfben tárgyalások kezdődnek, amelyen az Ukrajna megtámadásával fenyegető Moszkva jelentős engedményeket akar kicsikarni Washingtontól. Ebben a környezetben kerül …

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Kazakistan’da Rus askerleri

Kazakistan’da LPG’ye yapılan astronomik zammı protesto olarak başlayan ve hızla büyüyen, yayılan, şiddetlenen, ayaklanmaya dönüşen nümayişler o zammın geri alınmasına, hatta hükümetin istifa etmesine, üstelik protestocuların “İhtiyar, git!” sloganında kastedilen Nursultan Nazarbayev’in Milli Güvenlik Konseyi Başkanlığından alınmasına rağmen devam ediyor. Demek ki, onca yer altı zenginliğine (petrol, doğalgaz, uranyum) rağmen …

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«Касым-Жомарт Токаев стал полноправным президентом Казахстана»

Президент Казахстана Касым-Жомарт Токаев поручил новому правительству ограничить доступ олигархов к экономике. Кабинету министров, в частности, предстоит остановить необоснованный вывоз капитала. Выступая перед парламентом, глава республики впервые с начала протестов упомянул Нурсултана Назарбаева. При нем в Казахстане появились очень богатые люди, и теперь пришло время поделиться с рядовыми гражданами. Токаев …

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Putin’s Next Move on Ukraine Is a Mystery. Just the Way He Likes It.

The contradictory, sometimes menacing messages from the Kremlin have stumped Western officials and Russia experts, showing the Russian leader’s desire to keep his rivals on edge. President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has spent months massing close to 100,000 troops near the Ukraine border. But Moscow says it has no …

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