
As the U.S. and Russia talk, Ukrainian troops brace for war, and they’re “ready for battle”

U.S. and Russian diplomats were meeting on Monday in Geneva, Switzerland, to try to defuse a potential military showdown in Ukraine. The U.S. and its allies, including Ukraine, are worried that Russia could invade its neighbor again, as it did in 2014 when Vladimir Putin’s forces seized the Crimean Peninsula. …

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Почему американцы и европейцы саботируют диалог с Россией

10 января в Женеве начался российско-американский диалог. Обсуждаются российские предложения по обеспечению стратегической стабильности в Восточной Европе, позволяющие вернуть ситуацию к весьма безопасному (по сравнению с ситуацией на 2022 год) 1997 году. Вслед за этим те же российские предложения предполагается обсудить на Совете Россия – НАТО (СРН) в Брюсселе, а …

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Security Not Economics Likely To Drive US Trade Engagement In Asia – Analysis

It was a year of transition for US trade policy in 2021. The Trump administration’s trade representative Robert Lighthizer was replaced by Katherine Tai, a senior trade lawyer with a history of taking on China. While Tai’s appointment signalled President Joe Biden’s leanings toward a multilateral approach, under her leadership, …

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Is Oil At $80 Sustainable In 2022? – Analysis

Crude oil prices traded above $80 per barrel for the first time since last November, largely supported by easing concerns over the negative impact of the omicron COVID-19 variant and signs of robust oil demand in major oil-consuming countries. But will this level remain throughout the year? Current temporary factors …

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US, Russia Express Little Optimism About Talks This Week

Top U.S. and Russian diplomats expressed little optimism Sunday that tensions between their countries would be eased at high-level discussions this week in Europe over Moscow’s massive troop buildup along its Ukraine border and Russian demands for Western security guarantees. “It’s hard to see we’re going to make any progress …

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Is A Battle For Power Raging Within Kazakhstan’s Government? – Analysis

What began as peaceful protests that quickly enveloped Kazakhstan in major upheaval just after the new year seems to have spawned something quite different — a battle for control of the upper echelons of power in the country. Mass protests in recent days in dozens of cities over poor socioeconomic …

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The Decoupling Of The US Dollar-Yuan Relationship? – Analysis

In the past, US dollar and Chinese yuan used to move inversely. Recently, that has not been the case. Dollar is appreciating, and so is yuan. Are the bilateral currencies decoupling? In early December, Chinese business and finance media Caixin reported that Chinese yuan has “broken its traditional relationship with …

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Is Saudi Arabia Building Its Own Ballistic Missiles? – OpEd

American intelligence agencies have revealed that Saudi Arabia is now actively working on manufacturing its own ballistic missiles with the help of China, according to what was announced by the American “CNN” network. New satellite images obtained by CNN indicate that the Saudis are already manufacturing ballistic missiles at a …

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Kazakhstan On The Brink – Analysis

Since its independence in 1991, Kazakhstan, a Central Asian Republic, witnessed its biggest public protest on 2 January 2022. The people of the western town of Zhanaozen stormed the streets, protesting against the halt of state subsidies on Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), one of the primary vehicle fuels. The surge …

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Albania: Opposition In Crisis As Warring Members Storm Party Headquarters

The Albanian capital of Tirana was rocked by protests on Saturday (8 January) as one warring faction of the opposition Democratic Party (PD) used force to enter their own headquarters. Police special forces dispersed demonstrators, and several arrests were made. The conflict came after the founder of the party and …

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