
World Order: Back to the Future

The whispering in Moscow is that Putin will try to tempt Biden with a number of promises. These include persuading the Islamic Republic in Iran to re-endorse the Obama “nuclear deal”, which President Donald Trump denounced as a sham. Tehran’s acceptance of a new version presented by the US would …

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NATO–orosz viszony: Berlinben a kulcs

Az egy furcsa történet, amikor a róka fenyegetve érzi magát a tyúkoktól, és ezért elővigyázatosságból inkább megenné őket – ezzel a példával írta le a helyzetet az amerikai külügyminiszter, amikor az orosz– ukrán határon kialakult helyzetről kérdezték. Anthony Blinken első alkalommal találkozott az új német külügyminiszterrel, a zöld pártból érkező …

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Le tante sfide lanciate da Putin all’Europa

Nemmeno nel più bello dei suoi sogni Vladimir Putin avrebbe potuto immaginare un Occidente distratto e confuso come quello di oggi. L’America è lacerata dalle sue contrapposizioni interne e ha un Presidente che non è riuscito a risalire la china dopo l’onta di Kabul. La Germania ha un nuovo governo …

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Incierta semana rusa

Vladimir Putin ha conseguido que su diplomacia impregne la agenda global. En apenas cuatro días Rusia se sienta junto a EEUU en Ginebra, luego visitará la OTAN en Bruselas y, antes de que acabe la semana, los emisarios del Kremlin se reunirán en la OCDE. Tal vez haya que regresar …

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A World of Killer Robots?

Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems and the Fight to Contain Them Here’s a scenario to consider: a military force has purchased a million cheap, disposable flying drones each the size of a deck of cards, each capable of carrying three grams of explosives — enough to kill a single person or, …

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Kazakhstan crisis heightens instability in Central Asia

The political crisis in Kazakhstan, which began on January 2 with mass protests against gas price hikes, has become a focal point of geopolitical and social tensions across Central Asia. With the support of the Kremlin, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s government has cracked down on the protests with extraordinary violence, turning …

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Germany’s New Government Could Spell Trouble for the Visegrad Four

Germany’s new coalition government began winning glowing reviews even before it took office in early December. Its coalition agreement, released in November, satisfied many observers on a range of policy areas, both domestic and international. But one European leader wasn’t impressed. “The gloves are off!” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban …

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When It Comes to Strategic Rivalries, History Doesn’t Take Sides

There is something clarifying about the fact that the opening of high-level U.S.-Russian talks this week to discuss the crisis Moscow has provoked over Ukraine comes just days after the one-year anniversary of the storming of the U.S. Capitol. The two events are not directly related, but they both make …

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Recul “notable” des actes de piraterie dans le monde en 2021

Les actes de piraterie et de brigandage ont reculé de manière “notable” dans le monde en 2021, alors que leur nombre était stable depuis 2016, révèle vendredi dans son bilan annuel le pôle d’expertise français dédié à la sûreté maritime MICA Center. Au total, 317 actes ont été dénombrés en …

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Kataib Hezbollah member’s family massacred in Baghdad

An assassination attempt on a member of the Popular Mobilization Units and the massacre of his wife and children have raised questions about security in the Iraqi capital amid continuing US-Iran geopolitical tension in the region. An attempted assassination on Jan. 6 of a member of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units …

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