
Елбасы с газом

Глубоко анализировать всё, что происходит сейчас в Казахстане не так просто, потому что событий миллион, новостей каждый час – тьма. И мой текст через пару часов наверняка устареет. Но какие-то вещи очевидны и не зависят от новостных молний. Во-первых, удивительно, насколько плохо власти понимают народ. Народ и сам от себя, …

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Вызов для Путина. Чем могут обернуться протесты в Казахстане

Путин не захочет, чтобы в соседней стране произошла очередная цветная революция Инфляция здесь была только искрой, от которой вспыхнули протесты. Я понимаю, что на самом деле в Казахстане вырвалось наверх скрытое течение разочарования из-за нехватки демократии. Ведь молодые казахи, которые получают информацию и знания в Интернете, особенно в Алматы, хотят …

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Russia-Ukraine conflict: America needs a better idea than NATO expansion to keep the peace

Can it really be true, at this date in 2021, that large-scale war in Europe is again possible? Why are about 100,000 Russian troops massing near their country’s border with neighboring Ukraine — a country with which Russia shares a close history, religion, culture, and previous membership in the Soviet …

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Libya’s Expanding Proxy War May Be the Ultimate Test of NATO’s Resilience

With Egypt reportedly on the brink of invading neighboring Libya, and troops from Chad said to be on their way north to join Gen. Khalifa Haftar in his fight to topple the internationally recognized government in Tripoli, what was already a complicated proxy war could soon become Africa’s first full-on …

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The Global North Is Closing Its Doors to Migration

In July, British Home Secretary Priti Patel announced that the U.K. had agreed to pay France roughly $72 million to fund border personnel and equipment that would be used to stop asylum-seekers from crossing the English Channel. The deal came amid a dramatic rise in the number of channel crossings. …

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NATO-Russia Talks Set On Moscow’s Ukraine Border Troop Buildup

NATO said Tuesday that Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has scheduled a meeting next week between Western ambassadors and Russian officials to try to defuse tensions over Moscow’s troop buildup along Ukraine’s eastern border with Russia. The NATO-Russia Council meeting is set for January 12 in Brussels, two days after U.S. and …

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Warfare Evolved: Drone Swarms – Analysis

Unmanned systems with a variable degree of autonomy, generally known as ‘drones,’ have become commonplace in the world’s advanced militaries. In their various aerial, maritime, and ground forms, these vehicles are used to perform a wide spectrum of roles. Yet advances in new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, …

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Streit gehört dazu

EU-Befürworter:innen, die Atomkraft ablehnen, bringt die Idee einer klimafreundlichen Atomenergie in ein Dilemma. Der Kampf muss weitergehen. Es ist ein echter Schuss vor den Bug von Grünen. Ausgerechnet die hierzulande größten Fans des europäischen Projekts müssen nun wegstecken, dass ihre geliebte Europäische Union der Atomkraft ein formidables Greenwashing verpasst. Die …

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Denying the Inevitable: Why the West Refuses to Accept China’s Superpower Status

An article by Gideon Rachman in the Financial Times last July is a prime example of western intelligentsia’s limited understanding of China’s unhindered rise as a superpower. “Becoming a superpower is a complicated business. It poses a series of connected questions about capabilities, intentions and will,” Rachman wrote. To help …

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The War on Terror Is a Success — for Terror

Terrorist Groups Have Doubled Since the Passage of the 2001 AUMF It began more than two decades ago. On September 20, 2001, President George W. Bush declared a “war on terror” and told a joint session of Congress (and the American people) that “the course of this conflict is not …

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