
Ukłon Brukseli w stronę Polski. Atom może być zieloną inwestycją

Bruksela może pozwolić na finansowanie energetyki jądrowej i gazowej ze środków publicznych. To ukłon w stronę Polski i krajów naszego regionu. Kraje Europy Środkowo- Wschodniej chcą oprzeć transformację energetyczną na dwóch źródłach: atomie i gazie. Propozycje Komisji Europejskiej to dobra wiadomość dla Polski. Oznaczają jednak, że musimy przyspieszyć prace nad …

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Der Euro hat die Reifeprüfung bestanden

Mit Sicherheit können sich die meisten Österreicher an den 1. Jänner 2002 erinnern, als sie in der Silvesternacht erstmals statt Schilling neue Euro-Scheine aus den Bankomaten zogen. Ich verbinde eine besondere Erinnerung mit der Einführung des Euro-Bargeldes vor 20 Jahren. Denn ich habe am Neujahrstag 2002 den damaligen EU-Kommissionspräsidenten Romano …

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IDF issues demolition order for home of Jerusalem terrorist

Eli Kay was killed in a shooting attack carried out by Hamas member Fadi Abu Shkhaydam The IDF on Monday issued a demolition order for the home of the Palestinian terrorist who murdered Israeli civilian Eli Kay on November 22 in Jerusalem’s Old City. The order was signed by OC …

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SWIFT and Certain Punishment for Russia?

There Are Better Ways to Deter Moscow Than Threatening Its Banking Access In 2014, as Russia solidified its control over Crimea and supported separatist forces in eastern Ukraine, policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic struggled with how best to respond. Although U.S. and EU officials quickly settled on sanctions …

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Saudi coalition demands Houthis release UAE vessel seized in Red Sea

The Houthis claimed the ship was carrying military equipment and conducting “hostile activities” in Yemen’s territorial waters. The Saudi-led coalition in Yemen accused the Houthis on Monday of “hijacking” an Emirati-flagged vessel in the Red Sea that it claimed was carrying medical supplies but which the rebels described as a …

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Turkish inflation hits highest level under Erdogan’s rule

Turkey’s consumer inflation is bound to increase further in the coming months after reaching 36% in 2021, with even bigger numbers recorded in the producer sector. Turkey’s consumer inflation surged by a staggering 13.6 percent in December, bringing the 2021 annual rate to 36 percent — the highest under the …

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China’s Soft-Power Advantage in Africa

Beijing Isn’t Just Building Roads—It’s Making Friends When U.S. policymakers consider China’s influence in Africa, they often think of big-ticket infrastructure development programs such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Over the past two decades, Beijing has spent billions building dams, highways, railways, and ports in countries from Egypt …

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Russia Is Playing With Fire in the Balkans

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the Yugoslav wars, Europe’s bloodiest conflict since World War II. Although the Balkan states moved toward democratic governance and integration with NATO and the European Union in the immediate aftermath of the wars, consistent neglect on the part of the …

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10 Conflicts to Watch in 2022

Troubling undercurrents in 2021 – from the U.S. to Afghanistan, Ethiopia or the climate emergency – didn’t send battle deaths soaring or set the world ablaze. But as our look ahead to 2022 shows, many bad situations round the world could easily get worse. ” Foreign involvement in conflicts creates …

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Ukraine: Will Zelenskiy’s Presidency Last the Full Term?

Ukraine’s President Volodimir Zelenskiy has recently ‘crossed the equator’ of his five-year presidential term. In April 2019, in the second run-off, a complete political novice Zelenskiy defeated a seasoned politician, an incumbent President Petro Poroshenko, with an overwhelming 73 per cent of votes in his favour. The results reflected a …

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