
Crowded Pond: NATO And Russian Maritime Power In The Baltic Sea – Analysis

NATO has wrestled with how to defend its Baltic member states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania ever since their accession to the Alliance in 2004. All three militarily weak countries sit uncomfortably close to NATO’s main adversary, Russia. Making matters even worse, they are tenuously connected to the rest of …

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Spectre of war is haunting Europe

A fateful week is ending today for international security with the Russian Foreign Ministry releasing the two documents on security guarantees that Moscow had proposed to Washington as the basis for discussions to ease the tensions over NATO’s eastward expansion and to cease the alliance’s deployments close to Russia’s borders, …

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Mali: Pourquoi Emmanuel Macron a annulé son déplacement à Bamako?

Le président français a reporté in extremis son déplacement au Mali, prévu le 20 décembre prochain, au cours duquel il devait rencontrer le président putschiste, le colonel Assimi Goïta Un conseil de défense sanitaire s’est réuni vendredi après-midi autour d’Emmanuel Macron en vue de prendre de nouvelles décisions pour tenter …

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Taliban Takeover Poses New Challenges in South Asia

India’s regional strategic planning was thrown into disarray by the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan. China has been a growing focus of India’s planning, but the Taliban takeover returns India’s attention to the historic rivalry with Islamabad. Pakistan’s close relations with the Taliban give Pakistan long sought “strategic depth” against New …

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La lucha antiterrorista en Afganistán, entre la espada y la pared

Cooperar con los talibanes? La comunidad internacional enfrenta un dilema sin fácil solución en su lucha contra la amenaza yihadista en Afganistán, especialmente la filial local del Estado Islámico (EI), sin atreverse a cooperar por ahora con el nuevo poder en Kabul. Por un lado, el emirato islámico de Afganistán …

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Lebanon to Deport Members of Group that Bahrain Considers it Harbors Terrorism

Lebanon’s interior minister on Wednesday ordered the deportation of non-Lebanese members of a Bahraini group after some of them held a news conference in Beirut, harming Lebanon’s ties with the Kingdom. Bahrain accuses the group of harboring terrorism. Bahrain’s government has denounced “the promotion of malicious allegations and causing harm …

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Islamic Jihad praises terror attack, does not take responsibility

The Islamic Jihad terror group praises — but not does take responsibility for — the deadly terror attack that left an Israeli man dead and wounded two others in the northern West Bank tonight. “We bless the heroic operation carried out by heroic resistance fighters from among our people, which …

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Global task force needed to deal with repatriation of ISIS fighters

Governments are being urged to create a global task force to deal with the security risks posed by foreign terrorist fighters, and to take urgent action on repatriating female ISIS fighters or risk facing decades of threats. Defence and security think tank the Royal United Services Institute (Rusi) says an …

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How to Deliver for Citizens in Fragile States After the Democracy Summit

Multilateral efforts to uphold democracy should be more inclusive of conflict-affected countries going forward. Last week’s Summit for Democracy hosted by President Biden was a call to action. The first-ever international convening of its kind, it offered democratic leaders an opportunity to announce political commitments to reform over the coming …

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To Consolidate Democracy, Change U.S. Security Assistance

Security sector assistance often undercuts democratic rule in nations facing violence or autocracy As the United States pursues its initiative to bolster democratic rule and human rights after last week’s Summit for Democracy, a priority should be to diagnose and repair the flaws in U.S. and allied approaches to helping …

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