
Sähkö on huippukallista – Suomessa maksetaan nyt Saksan vihreää siirtymää

Sähkön pörssihinta ponnahti tiistaina ennätystasolle Suomessa. Keskihinta oli huikeat 469 euroa megawattitunnilta, mikä on yli kymmenkertainen normaaliin hintatasoon verrattuna. Tuntihinta kävi yli 1 000 eurossa. Pitkin loppusyksyä hinta on jo kutitellut uusia korkeuksia monen tekijän summana. Vesivoimaa on normaalia vähemmän, tuuli on heikkoa, Olkiluoto 3 ei ole vieläkään verkossa ja …

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Нашла коса на Киев

Военный обозреватель «Известий» Антон Лавров — о том, почему украинская проблематика заняла основное место в переговорах президентов РФ и США Хотя переговоры Владимира Путина и Джо Байдена 7 ноября продолжались больше двух часов, такого временного отрезка совершенно недостаточно, чтобы подробно обсудить все накопившиеся проблемы между странами. Слишком много их образовалось …

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Эхо грядущей войны

Я не про геополитику, я просто войны не хочу. Я не хочу, чтобы наши солдаты, выполняя безумный приказ, находили смерть в чужой стране, которая, да, могла быть дружественной, но теперь чужая. Да, многие из них одурачены пропагандой – «Крым наш», заговор американцев и все прочее, но это не солдаты затеяли …

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Democracy Digest: Loss of EU Funds a Step Closer for Poland and Hungary

Ahead of a legal opinion from the advocate general of the CJEU on the EU’s new rule-of-law mechanism, Brussels fires a warning shot in a letter to both. Poland’s riposte is to say the EHCR has no power to question its appointment of judges. The European Commission showed it is …

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Turkish police arrest alleged members of far-left organization

Lawyers have accused Turkish authorities of unjustly detaining people for alleged Revolutionary Peoples’ Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C) links. Turkish police conducted raids targeting a far-left armed group today. Police detained 25 individuals for alleged ties to the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C) in Istanbul, Ankara and other parts of the country. …

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Can Turkey help in Ukraine crisis?

Moscow is likely to welcome a Turkish mediation effort if it serves to restrain Ukraine from a military adventure. Turkey has offered to mediate in the Ukraine crisis as tensions between NATO and Russia escalate, with fears that Russia might be gearing up to invade eastern Ukraine. The proposal from …

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Divesting In Crude Oil Guarantees Shortages And Inflation – OpEd

Two of the fossil fuels, coal, and natural gas, are used to generate continuous uninterruptible electricity, but not crude oil, the third fossil fuel, as it is primarily used to manufacture oil derivatives that thousands of products are based upon, and the fuels for various transportation infrastructures. Crude oil gets …

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Zelenskiy Holds Call With Blinken Ahead Of Biden-Putin Call

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy spoke to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken by phone on December 6 ahead of President Biden’s call with Russian President Vladimir Putin in which Biden is expected to issue a strong warning against a Russian invasion of Ukraine. “Agreed to continue joint & concerted action. …

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Bitcoin Isn’t Any More Dangerous Than The Euro – Analysis

Major representatives of the European Central Bank—including ECB president Christine Lagarde—continue to warn against bitcoin. In a recent article, addressed to the inflation-adverse German audience, the ECB representative Klaus Masuch together with the former ECB chief economist Otmar Issing has stressed five risks of bitcoin: a lack of intrinsic value, …

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What Russia Wants in Ukraine

In July, Putin published a 5,000-word article — “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians” — in which he wrote that he was convinced that the “true sovereignty of Ukraine is possible only in partnership with Russia.” “The Russian regime’s foremost interest is its own hold on power. All …

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