
Ethiopian Army Recaptures Historic Lalibela, Eight Other Towns in Counteroffensive Against TPLF

The Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) said on Wednesday it had recaptured more than eight towns from the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), including the historic town of Lalibela, helping push the TPLF further back from the capital. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s office announced on Wednesday that Lalibela had …

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NATO Warns Russia of ‘Serious Consequences’ for Ukraine Actions

NATO allies are concerned about Russia’s military build-up along the border with Ukraine, and Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Russia will face serious consequences if it once again invades the country. Stoltenberg spoke to the Reuters NEXT Global Conference at the conclusion of the NATO Foreign Ministers meeting in Riga, …

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Kremlin Downplays Lukashenka’s Gas Threat As Poland Summons Belarus AttachÃ

The Kremlin has downplayed a renewed threat by Belarusian strongman Alyaksandr Lukashenka to cut Russian gas supplies to the European Union in response to Poland’s possible move to shut down its border with Belarus over an ongoing migrant crisis. The EU has blamed Lukashenka’s regime for funeling thousands of migrants …

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Německo řadí s novou vládou

Možná to velká část z nás tak necítí, ale v posledních třiceti letech jsme se Německu dokázali přiblížit. Ne tolik, jak jsme si v roce 1989 představovali. Do německých platů, rychlovlaků, úrovně školství, dálnic a celkového fungování státu máme pořád daleko. Už to není vzdálenost několika světelných let jako v …

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UN rights chief: Burkina Faso is facing a security crisis

If insecurity in Burkina Faso keeps up, the West African nation could spiral into a humanitarian and human rights “catastrophe,” the U.N. human rights chief said Wednesday. Michelle Bachelet, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, spoke to The Associated Press during her first visit to the war-weakened nation, which …

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Східні проблеми НАТО

30 листопада в Ризі розпочинається зустріч міністрів закордонних справ країн-членів НАТО. Уже в неділю можновладні гості прибули в латвійську столицю й устигли провести низку зустрічей, зокрема з прем’єр-міністром Латвії. Перемовини міністрів закордонних справ НАТО відбуваються у складній безпековій ситуації через збільшення напруги в різних точках східного флангу Північноатлантичного альянсу. На …

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Hohe Preise schrecken ab

Mit Waffen für die Ukraine kann der Westen Russlands Kosten für einen Angriff erhöhen. Schwere Zeiten für die Neulinge in der Ampel-Regierung. Wenn es teuer wird, überlegt es sich der Kunde noch einmal. In dem Punkt funktioniert die Friedenssicherung nicht viel anders als der private Konsum. Russland lässt Zehntausende Soldaten …

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Eric Zemmour : ne pas en rire

Face au désormais candidat, la gauche a une tâche historique devant laquelle elle ne peut se dérober. On pourrait choisir d’en rire, mais ce serait une grave erreur. Le polémiste raciste, misogyne et pétainiste Eric Zemmour a confirmé ce mardi sa candidature à la présidentielle de 2022 dans une vidéo …

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Arming Against China: The US Global Posture Review

Get the Marines ready. Store the supplies. Marshal the allies. The United States is getting ready for war (the preferable term in Washington is policing) in the Indo-Pacific region, and is hoping to do so with a range of expanded bases across client states, or what it prefers to call …

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Russian Commentator Akopov To Erdogan: Don’t Butt In On Ukraine Just Like Russia Doesn’t Butt In On Kurdish Issue

Turkey’s President Recep Tayip Erdogan offered to mediate between Russia and Ukraine. The senior Ria Novosti commentator Petr Akopov poured water on the idea. Ukraine has become a Western puppet and since Turkey is still a NATO member, Ankara cannot be regarded as an even-handed mediator. In words ominous for …

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