
Finland’s secret school for children of ISIS fighters

At home in Helsinki, Ilona Taimela scrolls through hundreds of WhatsApp chats with her former pupils — pictures of animals, maths sums and simple sentences in English and Finnish. Last year, the teacher gave lessons to Finnish children imprisoned about 3,000 kilometres away in Syria’s Al Hol displacement camp — …

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Attention au mirage de l’inflation

La hausse des prix repart de façon très nette aux Etats-Unis, mais aussi en Europe. Un phénomène qui, s’il s’inscrit dans la durée, pourrait provoquer une érosion du pouvoir d’achat, et risquerait de casser la croissance. Pendant des années, la plupart des économies avancées se sont lamentées sur la disparition …

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Dlaczego ludzie przestają być religijni?

Ostatnie badania CBOS-u zdają się potwierdzać trzy wielkie teorie sekularyzacji: teorię bogactwa (religijność bardziej spada w wielkich miastach), teorię wiedzy (religijność bardziej spada u ludzi z wyższym wykształceniem) oraz teorię braku autorytetu (religijność najbardziej spada u młodych, których ukształtowała kultura egocentryzmu). Przyjrzyjmy się wymienionym teoriom. Zanim jednak to uczynimy, zwróćmy …

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Najmłodsza Polska jest już w jednej trzeciej niewierząca

Polska młodzież masowo porzuciła praktyki religijne – z blisko 70 proc. praktykujących w 1992 r. zostało dziś 23 proc. Od Kościoła odsuwają się też starsi. Gwoździem do trumny, prócz pazerności i upolitycznienia Kościoła, jest seria pedofilskich skandali. To kolejny dzwonek alarmowy dla Kościoła. Od dawna było wiadomo, że traci młodych. …

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Threat of Russian invasion of Ukraine tests Biden administration

The White House is reviewing options to deter a feared Russian invasion of Ukraine, including providing more military aid to Kyiv and threatening sanctions, to dissuade Russian President Vladimir Putin from escalating the simmering conflict into a full-blown transatlantic crisis. The deliberations come as President Biden and his aides prepare …

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The Media’s War Against Biden On Inflation – OpEd

INFLATION IN THE U.S. ECONOMY IS CLEARLY A PROBLEM. There, I said it in all caps so that everyone can see I recognize it as a problem. The question is how big a problem. After all, we have lots of problems, millions of children in poverty, a huge homeless population, …

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Eni And Snam Launch Partnership On Gas Pipelines Between Algeria And Italy

Eni and Snam have entered into an agreement for the sale by Eni to Snam of a 49.9% stake (directly and indirectly owned) in certain companies operating two groups of international gas pipelines connecting Algeria to Italy. In particular, the perimeter of the transaction includes the onshore gas pipelines running …

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David Frum Rehashes Trump-Russia Collusion – OpEd

His November 25 article in The Atlantic “It Wasn’t a Hoax”, is one of several efforts to belittle the increased evidence contradicting the flawed Russiagate narrative. Frum uncritically uses David Satter as a reliable source. Satter is propped by Frum for stating that the Russian government was behind some apartment …

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Testing the waters: Russia explores reconfiguring Gulf security

Russia hopes to blow new life into a proposal for a multilateral security architecture in the Gulf, with the tacit approval of the Biden administration. If successful, the initiative would help stabilise the region, cement regional efforts to reduce tensions, and potentially prevent war-wracked Yemen from emerging as an Afghanistan …

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West Euphrates region | New reconciliation deals with ISIS former fighters

Deir Ezzor province: The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights have monitored new details about the “settlements and reconciliations” deals initiated by the security system, in the presence of branch commanders and high-level intelligence officers, in the city of Deir Ezzor and in the squares in the eastern countryside, a few …

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