
U.S. Warns Allies of Possible Russian Incursion as Troops Amass Near Ukraine

Western intelligence officials are increasingly convinced that the Russian president wants to take control of a larger swath of territory. American intelligence officials are warning allies that there is a short window of time to prevent Russia from taking military action in Ukraine, pushing European countries to work with the …

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U.S. Intel Shows Russia Plans for Potential Ukraine Invasion

The U.S. has shared intelligence including maps with European allies that shows a buildup of Russian troops and artillery to prepare for a rapid, large-scale push into Ukraine from multiple locations if President Vladimir Putin decided to invade, according to people familiar with the conversations. That intelligence has been conveyed …

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Russia, China sign roadmap for closer military cooperation

Russia’s defense chief on Tuesday signed a roadmap for closer military ties with China, pointing to increasingly frequent U.S. strategic bomber flights near both countries’ borders. During a video call, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and his Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe “expressed a shared interest in stepping up strategic military exercises …

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Kremlin Raises Rhetoric After U.S. Cites ‘Real Concerns’ Over Russian Military Buildup Near Ukraine

The Kremlin has gone on a verbal offensive amid Western concerns over its military buildup near Ukraine, while stressing the importance of an unconfirmed Russian-U.S. presidential summit Moscow says is in the works. The Kremlin responded harshly on November 21 to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken saying a day …

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Obyśmy nie byli jak Turcja. Co zmusi rząd do weryfikacji swojej polityki?

– Trzeba czynić wszystko, by Polska była tym, czym jest dziś Turcja – mówił Jarosław Kaczyński w 2014 r. Turcja prężyła wtedy muskuły w wymiarze militarnym i ekonomicznym. Od 2010 r. jej PKB rósł w tempie 4,8–11,2 proc. rocznie. Dziś prezes PiS pewnie połknąłby język, nim powtórzyłby tamte słowa. Co …

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Diese Agrarreform ist eine Luftnummer

Masse statt Klasse, Förderung für große statt für kleine Unternehmen: Alles bleibt beim Alten, doch zumindest streitet die EU nicht mehr über die Agrarreform. Die ist nichts weiter als eine verpasste Chance. Europas neue Agrarpolitik: eine Reform ohne Reform. Nichts da mit Meilenstein, Schritt in die Zukunft oder richtungsweisend. Wer …

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Poland Says Migrants Still Crossing From Belarus As EU Readies New Sanctions

Poland says groups of migrants have made new attempts to illegally cross the border from Belarus, and warned against interpreting recent moves by Minsk to repatriate some of the migrants as a de-escalation of the crisis on the European Union’s eastern frontier. The Polish officials issued the warning on November …

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Key To Ending The Fighting In Kiev Is Ukraine Giving Up Donbass – OpEd

As Russia/Nato passions are stirring once again, we should wind the clock back to seven years ago when the Ukraine crisis began. What’s it all about? The demonstrators in the Maidan, the central square of the capital, Kiev, were motivated by the arguments over a trade agreement with the EU, …

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Ukraine Is Back On Russia’s Agenda – Analysis

There is a growing danger of a major Russian military move into Ukraine. Nevertheless, the constraints remain significant, making a full-scale Russian military endeavour risky. Instead, a limited military incursion with the aim of achieving the decentralisation of Ukraine is more probable. Ukraine is back on Russia’s agenda. Recent months …

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Nouveau McCarthyism And US-Russian Relations – OpEd

The November 4 arrest and indictment of Igor Danchenko, leaves open the question of just how far Special Counsel John Durham‘s US Department of Justice investigation will go, concerning the flaw-ridden Russiagate narrative? Eli Lake’s November 4 Bloomberg column, suggests that the FBI might’ve been manipulated by the Democratic Party. …

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