
What a staggering gun cache discovered in one suspected neo-Nazi’s house says about far-right extremism in Europe

Last month, Austrian police made a remarkable discovery. In a raid on a house in the town of Baden, they found an arsenal of weapons and 1,200 kilograms of ammunition — as well as Nazi paraphernalia and a large amount of gunpowder. Altogether some 50 weapons, including submachine guns and …

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Hungarian, 22, charged with plotting Islamist attack, prosecutors say

Hungarian prosecutors have charged a 22-year-old man with plotting an Islamist terror attack with an accomplice in the country last year, prosecutors said in a statement on Wednesday. It said the man, who prosecutors said had converted to Islam in a Budapest mosque in June 2020, pledged loyalty to Islamic …

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AUKUS And France As An Indo-Pacific Power – Analysis

On October 26, 2021, Chinese President Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron had a phone conversation for the first time since the AUKUS alliance was announced. During their phone conversation, President Xi reportedly advised his French counterpart to maintain autonomy in foreign policy. This advice is indicative of an …

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US, UK Express Concern Over Russian Military Activity Near Ukraine

The United States and United Kingdom once again expressed concern about a large buildup of Russian troops near the border with Ukraine as concerns grow over the Kremlin’s endgame. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on November 17 that the Russian troop movements “certainly have our attention” and he urged …

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The Fall of Vukovar: Oral History of a Croatian Town’s Destruction

On the 30th anniversary of the fall of Vukovar to the Yugoslav People’s Army and Serbian paramilitaries, local residents and Croats who fought to defend the town look back on the devastating three-month siege and its brutal aftermath. The Yugoslav People’s Army, aided by Serb Territorial Defence forces and paramilitaries …

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La nueva banalidad del mal

El historiador Paul Preston ha publicado recientemente su libro Arquitectos del terror, en el que expone las noticias falsas elaboradas por los partidarios del golpe de Estado del 36 destinadas a demonizar a la comunidad judía y a los masones. Las mentiras construidas por Pemán o el padre Tusquets dieron …

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«Германия говорит “нет”»

Министерство энергетики ФРГ отрицает наличие политической составляющей в решении регулятора остановить сертификацию «Северного потока-2». «Газпрому» следует провести реорганизацию дочерней компании-оператора — после этого необходимые бумаги будут выданы. По мнению немецких чиновников, отсрочка запуска газопровода не скажется на энергоснабжении страны. Между тем цена газа в Европе впервые с октября превысила $1 …

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Gazproms Bulldozer

Die Vorbehalte deutscher Behörden werden das Pipeline-Projekt nicht aufhalten. Die wachsende Abhängigkeit von russischem Gas verlangt nach anderen Antworten. Was Moskau will, das bekommt Moskau auch: Das ist die Botschaft, die mittlerweile von der Ostseepipeline Nord Stream 2 ausgeht. Polnische Wettbewerbshüter, dänische Umweltbehörden, das Weiße Haus – sie alle wollten …

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Nord Stream 2 ma kłopoty, ale cudu nie będzie

W Polsce nadzieja, że jakimś cudem uda się zatrzymać powstanie gazociągu Nord Stream 2, nie gaśnie. Dlatego spore emocje wywołała informacja, że niemiecki regulator Bundesnetzagentur Federalna Agencja ds. Sieci wstrzymał certyfikację spółki Nord Stream 2 AG jako operatora gazociągu. Zdarzył się cud? Rosyjsko-niemiecka rura, którą gazpromowski gaz z Syberii ma …

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“Without Us, There Would Be No Islamic State:” The Role of Civilian Employees in the Caliphate

Abstract: In its state-building project, the Islamic State had to rely extensively on civilian employees to staff its governing institutions. But despite the importance of these civilian employees to the Islamic State, there has been relatively little scholarship published on their role, and there has been a lack of understanding …

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