
Foreign Experts Assess Prospects For Maintaining UK Integrity – Analysis

The Welsh Government has established the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales, which will consider the issue of the region’s independence in the context of future relations with the rest of the United Kingdom. According to the message published on the Cabinet website on October 19, the Commission …

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Whither Muslim Solidarity And Moderation? – Analysis

Former Saudi intelligence chief Prince Turki AlFaisal Al Saud must have gotten his tenses mixed up when he asserted in a recently published memoir that no one should underestimate the political importance of Muslims’ commitment to helping other Muslims. Prince Turki’s memoir is focused on Afghanistan, a major preoccupation during …

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¿Nucleares? ¿Sí, gracias?

Hay muchos discursos rimbombantes sobre el futuro unido de la UE y la homogeneización de las políticas de los diferentes países para converger en un proyecto común. La realidad, sin embargo, es muy diferente. Estos días, en plena discusión medioambiental en la cumbre de Glasgow, se aprecia como las apuestas …

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Democracy Digest: More Talk of an Axis of Rightists in the European Parliament

Orban hasn’t given up on his plans for an all-encompassing far-right grouping in the European Parliament, though obstacles remain. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, his Polish counterpart Mateusz Morawiecki and leader of Italy’s Lega party Matteo Salvini held a videoconference on Wednesday to reinvigorate plans for creating a new alliance …

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Sounding Out MEPs on the Polish Prime Minister’s Pitch to the EU

Morawiecki ran up against a European ‘wall of resistance’ of infuriated MEPs, who accused him of lying and attempting to dismantle the very structure of the EU. To BIRN, they also laid out their fears for the future. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki came to office promising to be an …

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No Peace Dividend Again – OpEd

Back when the Soviet Union fell apart, there was much talk of a peace dividend — a big reduction in the United States government’s spending on militarism. The peace dividend did not arrive. Instead, the US government proceeded to spend big on the military and engage in a series of …

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Scotland Should Not Rush Into New Independence Vote – OpEd

The question of Scottish independence was supposed to have been resolved by the 2014 referendum for at least “a generation.” However, the issue was reactivated by the Brexit vote of 2016, in which two-thirds of Scots voted to remain in the EU. The Scottish National Party has been making the …

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Armenia And Turkey Lean Toward Rapprochement, But Constraints Linger – Analysis

Statements and actions indicate that Armenia and Turkey are interested in improving relations – possibly even opening their shared border, which would be a game-changer for the South Caucasus. However, Azerbaijan’s role in Turkey’s decision-making process regarding Armenia, along with outside players’ desire to protect their own interests in the …

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V for Vigilante, T for Terrorist – Is Vigilantism a form of Terrorism?

Observations indicate that instances of vigilante groups taking the law into their own hands for various reasons connected with inter-faith matters, are on the increase. At the same time, terrorism is a subject of daily reportage. Both these matters affect everybody directly or indirectly, and bear discussion. ‘V’ for Vigilantism …

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Ist dieser Mann ein Opfer der EU?

Was der Rücktritt eines Politikers im kleinen Nordmazedonien über die EU als Ganzes erzählt. Politische Rücktritte sind in Österreich derzeit Mangelware, aber mancherorts gibt es sie noch. Zum Beispiel in Nordmazedonien, ein Land, das in etwa so viele Einwohner und Einwohnerinnen hat, wie Wien. Dort ist vor wenigen Tagen der …

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