

Studies show the Dniester Hydropower Complex is already having a devastating impact on the water quality and biological diversity of the river – the main source of drinking water for 8 million Ukrainians and Moldovans. Yet Kiev plans to continue expanding the complex as it looks to secure its energy …

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What ‘Inflation’ Really Means – Analysis

Increases in money supply are what inflation is all about. Most commentators label increases in the prices of goods and services over a period of time as inflation. Ludwig von Mises however, held that the popular definition of inflation is erroneous. He wrote in Economic Freedom and Interventionism (p. 99), …

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Russia Says It’s Not Weaponizing Its Gas Exports. Really? – Analysis

In characteristically blunt fashion, Russian President Vladimir Putin had this to say when asked last month if Russia was again using its energy resources as a political weapon: “This is complete nonsense, ravings, and politically motivated blather,” he told a Moscow energy conference on October 13. Two weeks later, the …

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German charged with membership in foreign terror groups

Federal prosecutors have charged a German woman with membership in two foreign terrorist groups, violating weapons law and committing her son as a fighter to a foreign terrorist group. German federal prosecutors said Tuesday that Stefanie A., whose last name was withheld in line with privacy rules, left Germany in …

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Suspects in Paris attacks on stand after victims’ testimony

The lone survivor of the cell of Islamic State group extremists who attacked Paris in November 2015 came under public questioning Tuesday for the first time in France, describing a close family life and his neighborhood acquaintance with many of the other defendants seated alongside him behind courtroom glass. Salah …

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Russian Expert: The U.S. Cannot Destroy Russia Air Defense Systems in Syria

A Russian military expert said that the U.S. cannot destroy the air defense system of Russia, noting it successfully shot down U.S. cruise missiles in Syria in 2018, according to al-Watan. The U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced yesterday that the United States will use all available means to …

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El dron, la última baza de grupos yihadistas y paramilitares

El fenómeno se amplía, escapa a todo control y alarma a cúpulas militares y de servicios de inteligencia. Yihadistas, grupos criminales y paramilitares hacen uso del dron como arma letal, como en el reciente ataque contra el primer ministro iraquí. Mustafá al Kazimi salió indemne el domingo de un ataque …

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Killing Terrorist Leaders Is No Silver Bullet

It is impossible to study international terrorism without reading and hearing repeatedly that the United States cannot kill its way out of the problem. When evaluating the efficacy of leadership decapitation in terms of a broader counter-terrorism or counter-insurgency campaign, it is critical to think beyond targeting individual leaders and …

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Anjem Choudary turns to alternative social media channels to preach

British radical preacher Anjem Choudary, who was jailed for encouraging support for ISIS, has turned to alternative social media channels, such as Telegram, to continue preaching after Twitter and Facebook banned him. Choudary, 54, was released early from a five-and-a-half-year sentence from HMP Belmarsh in 2018, imposed after he used …

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Ethiopia’s Civil War: Cutting a Deal to Stop the Bloodshed

The combatants in northern Ethiopia are digging in for a long fight, despite high fatalities and famine conditions for civilians. The war looks set to worsen. Outside powers should back the African Union’s new envoy in urging the parties to move instead toward a ceasefire. What’s new? Ethiopia’s devastating civil war …

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