
What’s In The German Ballot Box For European Integration? Continuity And Change – Analysis

The analyses in this paper show that the next German government will also be a pro-European one. There are, however, various necessary changes when it comes to European integration, where the new German government could play a constructive role. Germany, the EU’s largest member state, went to the ballot box …

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Will China Replace the US in Afghanistan?

Despite heightened expectations, significant Chinese assistance to Afghanistan is unlikely to materialise soon. The Taliban’s takeover of Kabul on 15 August has strengthened speculation regarding a rising Chinese role in Afghanistan to replace the US-led coalition’s two-decade-long presence. The Taliban have recently called Beijing a ‘top ally’. China played its …

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NATO’s Weakness is Not Good News for Europe. We Need a Strong Transatlantic Link

NATO has its problems, and the emergence of a European defence identity is an imperative. But the severing of transatlantic links is never the answer. No one has forgotten that French President Emmanuel Macron referred to NATO in 2019 as ‘brain dead’. In Brussels, there were comments on this decidedly …

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Russian-Iranian competition heats up in South Caucasus

For Moscow, contradictions with Tehran may turn out to be much more sensitive than disputes with Ankara. During Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian’s visit to Moscow on Oct. 5, one of the main topics of the talks with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov was rising tensions in Iranian-Azerbaijani ties. At …

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Century-old grievances continue to fester in Yemen’s Tihama region

Grievances have been piling up unaddressed in Tihama, Yemen’s Red Sea coastal plain, for almost a hundred years. Since the revolt of al-Zaraniq against Imam Yahya Hameed al-Din of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom (then North Yemen) in 1925-26, consecutive Imams and the republican elite have pursued policies that have systematically marginalized …

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Cost of Conflict: An Analysis of the Costs of Russia’s Ongoing Hostilities in the Black Sea Region

Conflicts are enormously destructive. They destroy lives and property, uproot communities, and reduce the economic potential for all involved. This devastation often has an unaccounted cost, both in terms of the obvious direct destruction of lives and assets, as well as the indirect costs that weigh on economies, often for …

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As contas públicas dominadas pelo PRR

A proposta de OE2022 aponta para uma maior estatização da economia, uma enormíssima dependência da Europa para a realização de investimentos e uma perda de autonomia orçamental a prazo. O Orçamento do Estado para 2022 (OE2022) apresentado esta segunda-feira constitui a aplicação do orçamento europeu em Portugal. Ou seja, não …

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We need to change the atmosphere

The blame game has been a very frequent tool used in the Cyprus negotiation process. The late President Rauf Denktaş used to say, “If I replaced the signature under their own proposals with that of mine and hand back, the Greek side would reject the document immediately.” He was jokingly …

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Brexit: le pari risqué de l’Europe

Peut-on vraiment négocier avec un gouvernement britannique qui se nourrit de la mise en scène de sa confrontation avec l’Europe? Pour l’instant, c’est ainsi: le gouvernement britannique est un partenaire aussi fiable pour l’Europe qu’un voisin lui tirant la langue, assis sur le contrat qu’il vient de signer. Stoïque (oserait-on …

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Il timone torna in mano a Ue e Stati. Fisco e bilancio è ora di scegliere

Hanno finora retto l’onda d’urto della recessione che ha travolto, con la pandemia, le economie e i bilanci degli Stati in tutto il mondo, ma le Banche centrali sono comunque destinate, forse costrette, a cedere il testimone della leadership globale. Stiamo per entrare nella ‘nuova era’ in cui le politiche …

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