
The Government must hold its nerve on latest Brexit stand-off

The dreaded topic of Brexit is back in the news this week with the EU expected to publish on Wednesday its basis for fresh negotiations on Northern Ireland’s disputed special trade status. UK Brexit minister David Frost is expected to pre-empt this EU move by making a landmark speech tomorrow …

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H «Φάρμα των Ζώων» για τις παράνομες, βίαιες επαναπροωθήσεις προσφύγων και την έρευνα 10 διεθνών ΜΜΕ

Η κατάσταση με τις διεθνείς αποκαλύψεις για συστηματικές, παράνομες και βίαιες επαναπροωθήσεις προσφύγων στο Αιγαίο έχει φτάσει σε τέτοιο σημείο, που η Επίτροπος Μετανάστευσης της Κομισιόν, Ίλβα Γιοχάνσον, καταγγέλλει δημόσια την Ελλάδα ότι αρνείται να διερευνήσει τα στοιχεία της μεγάλης έρευνας δέκα ευρωπαϊκών δημοσιογραφικών οργανισμών, Μιλάμε προφανώς για την ίδια …

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Afghanistan Tackles the Islamic State

On October 8, a terrible blast struck the worshippers attending Friday noon prayers at the Gozar-e-Sayed Abad Mosque in the Khan Abad district of Bandar, the capital of Kunduz, one of Afghanistan’s largest cities in its northern belt. This is a mosque frequented by Shia Muslims, who were referred to …

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Heroes or Parasites: Europe’s Self-serving Politics on Refugees

Language is politics and politics is power. This is why the misuse of language is particularly disturbing, especially when the innocent and vulnerable pay the price. The wars in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern, Asian and African countries in recent years have resulted in one of the greatest …

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A face-off over Nord Stream 2

The Russian President Vladimir Putin will be delivering “an informative and very important speech and then take part in a plenary discussion” on Wednesday in Moscow at the Russian Energy Week, an international forum on the global energy sector. Expectations are running high in the energy circles in Europe and …

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Pro-Iranian groups reject early Iraq election results as ‘scam’

Several pro-Iranian parties promise to launch an appeal after early results show losses for parties with PMF links. Pro-Iranian parties and armed groups have denounced early results from Iraq’s elections as “manipulation” and a “scam”. Sunday’s parliamentary election – the fifth in the war-scarred country since the US-led invasion and …

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Putting A Proper Price On Spending – OpEd

President Biden has hit the road in an attempt to peddle the Democrats’ mega spending package—a package that originally carried an eye-popping price tag of $3.5 trillion. It now appears that haggling amongst the Democrats has dialed the advertised price tag down to $2.3 trillion or less. Or, at least, …

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Kurds see chance to advance their cause in ruins of Islamic State

As what remains of Islamic State crumbles, the would-be victors have started circling. In Mosul, Iraqi forces have begun preparing for peace in the city where the now-encircled marauders took root three years ago. Across the border in Raqqa, with five of its neighbourhoods under their control, Kurdish forces are …

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Österreich im Krisenmodus

Die ÖVP kann nicht mit Kurz in Neuwahlen gehen. Sie soll eine honorige Person als Kanzler vorschlagen und die Regierung fortsetzen. Nicht. Schon. Wieder. Alle zwei Jahre eine innenpolitische Detonation. Von heute auf morgen befindet sich Österreich wieder im Krisenmodus. 2017: die Kurz-Machtübernahme. 2019: Ibiza. Und jetzt das Kurz-Debakel. Wenigstens …

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Keine EU-Gelder für staatlich organisierte Gewalt

Die EU reagiert besorgt auf die gewaltsamen Pushbacks an der kroatisch-bosnischen-Grenze. Daraus folge jedoch vermutlich nichts, kommentiert Carolin Born. Dabei müsse die EU nun sicherstellen, dass die Geldmittel aus Brüssel nicht für staatliche organisierte Gewalt missbraucht würden. Schlagstöcke, die auf Körper prallen – erst dieses Geräusch und dann zeigt das …

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